
Monday, December 22, 2014

Short steroid cycle: good gains, less sides.

A weight training program helps in a faster development of your muscles especially if you are taking anabolic steroids. These drugs help to increase blood flow and nutrients to the exercising muscle groups.

Weight training schedule involves the following:
- Identifying the muscle groups you want to develop. Bodybuilders often prefer to develop varying group of muscles more than others.
– Choosing the group of exercises suitable for the muscle groups identified in previous step. Different muscle groups require different exercises to help them grow and should be chosen carefully.
– Creating a weight training schedule. Choose an initial weight you are comfortable with and slowly increase it to optimize the stress over your muscles.
– Keep increasing the weight, reps or sets to achieve the desired result.
These steps are generally used in a typical weight training schedule. In order to speed up the process using a weight training program, anabolic steroids can be used.
There are various forms of cycles in which steroids can be used such as a short and a long cycle. In a short  steroid cycle, steroids are taken for two weeks and discontinued for two or four weeks.
In a long cycle, steroids are taken for eight weeks or so and discontinued for a few weeks after that. These are a typical example of short and long cycles and may vary from trainer to trainer.

How to incorporate steroids into a short cycle?
Using anabolic steroids and exercises in a concert will help build your muscles in a speedy and safe way without any hindrance to your day to day life.
It is of utmost importance that the weight training program is carefully matched to your steroid intake to derive maximum benefits. The following will explain how you can safely incorporate steroids into your weight training schedule:

Choose your muscle groups, exercises and weight
As described above, these basic steps remain the same for your training. Start your training with the chosen weights.

Start anabolic steroids
Intake of steroids for a short period of two weeks helps increase testosterone in your blood. Testosterone increases blood flow and nutrients to the muscle groups and helps them grow. Continue taking steroids for two weeks.

Increase the stress
After starting the anabolic steroids, start increasing your weight by a small increment of around 5%. You cannot increase the weight indefinitely but you can reach your maximum limit.

You can keep your reps same and reduce the number of sets to avoid over stressing the muscles. You will still be able to reach a higher stress level and weight.
For example, you can start at 2×9 at 100 lb and with each further week drop a rep and add 10 lb. You finish at 2×3 at 180 lb, which is a 10 lb improvement on your start.

Variation in timing of steroid use
The two weeks that the steroid is to be taken can also be varied.
You can start your training and start steroid intake to aid in the increments of weight and then actually increase to your maximum weight/reps. For example, start use in the 6-rep week and continue through the 3-rep week.
Another option is to take steroids in only the weeks with maximum weight and reps and discontinuing in the rest of the weeks to provide a steroid free environment to your body.
For example, steroid use can start in the 6-rep week and end in the 4-rep week, which provides a 3-on /4-off pattern.

Buttom Line
Incorporating steroids in your short weight training cycle is requires a pre-planned schedule with emphasis on the result that you desire. It is always advisable to take professional help when planning your training schedule.

Monday, December 15, 2014

What anabolic steroids can be used for joints or ligaments injuries

Pain in the ligaments, joints or tendons is one of the common problems experienced by many of bodybuilders. Either this comes as a result of training injury or of overtraining, going further with your exercising routine is quite difficult in some cases. The body has the ability to heal itself through blood nutrition. But compare to muscles where blood get in high quantity, ligaments and joints are not as well fluidized, thus they require more time to heal. That’s many of those who use body performance enhancers ask about if these compounds can be used for rehabbing joints or ligaments too. Aside of increasing protein synthesis, anabolic steroids elevates the number of red blood cells and stimulates large volume of blood. This means that it has great healing effect not only on muscle tissue but also on ligaments and joints too.

There are anabolic steroids which carry anti-inflammatory function too. To be clear do not confound this category of drugs with corticosteroids, which have on base cortisol. The last one is produced naturally by our body and its function is to heal it. The main drawback is that corticosteroids eat soft tissue of the affected area, thereby along with rehabbing you lose muscle mass to. None of bodybuilders who train hard to pack on would like to use corticosteroids to get rid of pain with the risk lose a big percentage of gains. They are as careful to corticosteroids use as they are when it comes to their nutrition and workout routine. That’s why corticosteroids can be easily used by those who do not carry about each pounds they have.

We can not about a wide list of anabolics which can be use for healing soft tissue. There are mainly two steroids that are largely used for their great anti-inflammatory effects.  It is about Nandrolone, more commonly known as Deca durabolin and Boldenone, known as Equipoise.

Deca durabolin (nandrolone decanoate)
Deca durabolin is a mild steroids, which aromatase in slow degree while increase nitrogen level significantly. But not these functions interested us. The miraculous way Deca reduce inflammation is what every steroids user should now, despite the way it action is not very clearly. What we know is that Deca either interfere with cortisol, or work alone as an anti-inflammatory. The first version is less probable, since cortisol is an anti-inflammatory and there is no need for Deca to block its action. More likely Deca acts as an anti-inflammatory, which doesn’t eat the soft tissue of affected area and do not even weakness the surrounding area as cortisol do. In the contrary, it can strengthen when it is used properly.

Cortisol is the hormone which trigger catabolic process, during which the muscle tissue is broken down into molecules. It usually occurs right after workouts or in the morning, after you stand up. Bodybuilders try to minimize the catabolic process by taking carbs which are best sources of energy.

With Deca you will not experienced such unwanted side effects like hair loss, acne, prostate growth or others so common for most of anabolic steroids. However, there is one point you have to pay attention on, it significantly reduce your sex drive, especially when taking in high doses.  Deca has to be mixed with an androgenic steroid to keep the hormone level into normal parametres. If you go with a dosage higher than 500 mg, than you have to increase the testosterone or dianabol dosage too.  For healing effect, you can take Deca in minimal doses.

Equipoise (Boldenone)
Equipoise is a veterinary steroid largely used for either bulking or cutting. It was designed to be administered in horses, but gain a good place in human use too. Equipoise has not a direct anti-inflammatory property as Deca has, but it still can improve the overall body healing rate and soft tissue in special. This is because Equipoise elevates the blood red cells numbers and the blood volume, allowing for tissues that are usually not very well fluidized to get most of the nutrients and oxygen. Since nitrogen retention is also increased, the all body has the better conditions to rehab faster.

Equipoise is a mild steroid which aromatize in a low degree, hence you can face water retention problems. This gear increased appetite, which is great for bulking cycles, but quite problematic when looking to cut down fat. When taking for rehabbing purpose the dosage should be lower than for muscle building, so you can consider a dosage of 400 mg weekly.

What else to take during rehabilitation

When taking anabolic steroids for rehabilitation make sure you add some vitamin C to your cycle to speed up the heal process. Also, adding some glucosamine or chondroitin to your cycle is beneficial too. These are anti inflammatory drugs which reduce pain. Drinking a lot of water for keeping your body well hydrated is what you should follow to.

Everybody can get injured while working out. Paying a big attention to proper technique of exercises execution and choosing the weights you train with according to your body abilities are based methods to keep you safe. But if it happens and you begin to feel pain in your soft tissue than it’s time to think about it. Do not continue with your training if pain is very strong. Take some time and do a visit to your physician.

You can use some drugs that are great pain reliefs. If you are working intensively on building muscle mass or getting ripped, than no corticosteroids are advised for use. The main reason is that this drug contains huge amounts of cortisol, the hormone responsible for catabolic process. Thereby, despite of its antiinflammatory effects, cortisol eats soft tissue and weakness the muscles of the affected area. So, be careful when taking it if your goal is to get massive.

An alternative are anabolic steroids like Deca durabolin and Equipoise, which proved to have good healing effects. They contribute to overall body healing process. Taken these steroids don’t mean that you get your ligaments, joints healed immediately. It already takes time, but much less when using them.

Both Deca and Equipoise increase the number of blood red cells and the blood volume, feeding all muscles cells with more oxygen and nutrients. Regarding the dosage to take them, than it should be slightly lower than in case of bulking cycle. You can stack them adding testosterone too, for keeping the testosterone level in normal limits.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Can You Just do Trenbolone?

This has become an increasingly common question amongst body builders, weight lifters and athletes who run cycles of Trenbolone and different anabolic steroids. With much advertised listings of various side-effects and warning labels posted on the bottles, these steroids remain quite popular amongst fitness enthusiasts. This is because they have managed to run these steroids in cycles that are not very detrimental to health or have altered its use with other safer steroids so that the side effects can be balanced.

But before we get to the topic of whether or not Trenbolone can be used alone, it becomes imperative to explain to everyone what Trenbolone is, how it can be used and what side effects can result from its usage.

What is Trenbolone?

Trenbolone is a notable anabolic-androgenic steroid which means that not only does this steroid aim at building tissue and muscle mass; it also aggravates and enhances the various masculine characteristics, like the deepening of voice, increase in body and facial hair. Anabolic steroids have been known to boost appetite and bone growth but exact findings have not been confirmed regarding Trenbolone as it is by far the strongest steroid for muscle boosting yet.

In fact, Trenbolone has never achieved the status of an FDA approved steroid or drug for humans. It was created in the labs solely for veterinary purposes. The drug was injected under the skin of cattle to promote muscle mass effectively. However the potential it carried as an anabolic steroid was soon recognized and body builders started its use as one of the most effective and powerful boosters of muscular strength and muscular mass, even though its side effects have been confirmed as more pronounced and severer.

How is Trenbolone Administered?

Because Trenbolone was meant for use amongst animals, it was not readily available in injectable form for humans. Therefore, people would convert the tablets or capsules into a rough injectable form themselves. This manner was undoubtedly crude and rough and carried a dangerous potential as it was not sterile, nor safe.

Nonetheless, with its increased usage, certain underground labs (UGLs) started manufacturing the Trenbolone in sterile injectable forms for use amongst humans. The usual vial dosage of Trenbolone comes in 67mg/ml to 250mg/ml. That being said, it is also true that even today, an athlete or body builder will not be able to find pharmaceutical grade Trenbolone.

What is Trenbolone More Commonly Known As?

The pharmaceutical names of Trenbolone are,

    Trenbolone Acetate

The most common street names of Trenbolone are,


The common brand names are,

    Finaplix and

Uses of Trenbolone

The regular use of Trenbolone will not only result in rapid gain in muscle sizebut also in muscle strength. However, if it is not run in cutting cycles, it can also cause hardening of muscles and may even result in a change in body’s composition.

As it becomes responsible of building lean mass, it also generates the loss of fat. However, excessive use in women for this purpose alone should be prohibited as it is highly androgenic in nature and would surely result in masculine characteristics.

Warnings and Side-Effects

Excessive and disproportioned use of steroids easily leads to side-effects, many of which are non-reversible and serious; but there are some that are specific to overuse or wrong use of Trenbolone. In fact certain side-effects are bound to show up even with regular and light dosage of Trenbolone and these include, over sweating, insomnia, acne and notable decrease in cardiovascular capability. For this reason it is not recommended for those athletes who are involved in cardiovascular fitness training. Some other, rather commonly observed, side-effects are hair loss, high water retention, aggressive behaviour, overgrown testicles and extremely oily skin.

Should Trenbolone be Used Alone?

The general consensus of using Tren alone is that it can result in some undesirable effects; the most common one being affected libido. Your libido will come crashing down with Tren-alone cycles. Similarly, fierce acne has resulted in numerous users and this is not limited to face or some parts of back, but severe acne bursts have been seen on chest, arms, face and whole of back. The use of testosterone, or even HCG or Dianabol can solve these issues.

Also tren-alone usage can easily result in suppressed estradiol levels as natural testosterone production is affected with its use. The estrogen reaches an abnormally low level and hence it should be used with other drugs.

Cycles of Trenbolone with Testosterone

The usual dose of TrenboloneEnanthate is 200mgs per week coupling it with 500mgs of Testosterone every week and 0.25mgs of Dostinex every other day. However people, who have been on regular dosage of Tren, suggest that even 125mg of Testosterone per week is enough for whatever amount of Tren.

50mg of Tren coupled with 100mg of Testosterone per week, gets better results when compared to any other steroid cycle. Tren is a strong compound and results in mass physical changes soon enough.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Boldenone and Winstrol Cycle

What is Boldenone?
This is a very popular steroid which is legally available at the veterinary clinic. It is a highly anabolic steroid and as a result it is administered as a stack with other steroids such as testosterone if you are on a big cycle.

What is Winstrol?
Considered to be one of the most popular anabolic steroids of all time, it is best known for its ability to increase performance for athletes through strength and speed. It is also useful to men and women as well since it is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used by women comfortably.

Using the Boldenone steroid
    - This steroid for starters is basically taken with other steroids such as testosterone builders if you are on a mass cycle or it is taken together with Winstrol if you are on a cutting cycle.
    - It is known for increasing protein synthesis on the muscle cells within the body, a similar effect that you get when taking anavar.
    - The Boldenone gives one a slower but a higher muscle gain, different from the quick muscle building that is expected from testosterone.
    - It is not supposed to be taken on its own and one should be ready to expect 20lbs. within the next 6 weeks or so. The results are visible after 3 weeks or less as it is not just instant as you may expect.

Putting some Boldenone in you
    - The effect that this steroid has is seemingly more permanent than any other effective gains experienced from other kinds of testosterone.
    - The Boldenone steroid stays active in the system for a longer period than most of the testosterones that you’ll find.

Competitive gain from using Boldenone

It is a very common steroid in the contest scene for reasons like:
    - It has a low amount of aromatization
    - It has very little water retention too.
    - It is also known for giving in the pumps you do as you are working out due to an increase in the red blood cells that is an effect of taking it.
    - It also causes a sharp increase in appetite and it also assures one of good muscle gain when it is taken together with a mass gaining steroid.

The female Winstrol cycle
    - Being amongst the few anabolic steroids that can be tolerated by women, you can benefit from it if your dose is kept at a minimal level although there is no 100% guarantee.
    - A lot of women who are from track to bodybuilding, fitness to even figure maintenance have completed Winstrol cycles, where a majority of these women use the oral tablets alone.
    - The tablets are found in 10mg and 50mg as the optimal female dose for beginners is set to 10mg.
    - It is not advisable for any woman that intends to have a Winstrol cycle to go above 10mg.

The male Winstrol cycle
    - A good Winstrol cycle can run for about 6 to 8 weeks on a dose equal to 50mg daily.
    - Some may find the dose to be all they need but as an anabolic steroid with a very short half life, it is best administered as a tablet.
    - No matter your experience with the steroid, 50mg is the best dosage and it is not advisable to go beyond 8 weeks as it is a steroid that is toxic to the liver. The liver though can return to normal after discontinued use only if the intake is administered responsibly.
    - As for competitors, a majority of them find 100mg of this steroid to be very useful two weeks prior to a competition as it really hardens them up.
    - If you want to take the 100mg then you should know that 14 days is the maximum number of days that you can take the steroid as anything past such duration may cause toxicity to the body.

Winstrol cycle side effects
    - It is important to always understand the side effects of Winstrol intake so that one may be safe and effective during the usage.
    - There are the serious side effects of administering Winstrol where cholesterol issues come up when the steroid is being used. The Stanozolol can give very negative effects as it increases the bad cholesterol in your system and decreases the good cholesterol too.
    - It should be avoided by those that already have poor cholesterol readings as d cholesterol diets that are highly recommended during the intake.
    - A guaranteed side effect of using Winstrol is the suppression of natural testosterone production. One is therefore advised to supplement this with some testosterone when Winstrol is in use so that high androgen levels can be maintained.
    - As for the women, using Winstrol can cause virilization with effects such as the destruction of the woman’s femininity.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Anabolic Steroids and Fat Loss: proper manipulation for best results

Individuals who want to cut down on body fat should conduct aerobic training 4 to 5 times a week (running on a track, cycling, jogging) at least 35 to 45 minutes without rest, in zone of 55-70% of maximum heart rate, because this burns fat.

Why at least 45 minutes? Because this is the time necessary for your body to activate enzymes that transform fat into energy!

It is known that carnitine has different roles, most popular one being ability to transport fats through cell membranes to mitochondria, where fat is used as energy source.

Pyruvate enhances metabolism and improves thermogenesis, thus helping fat burning in body, if taken just before you star aerobic training. Many body-builders also use steroids to speed-up this process of fat loss.

Which anabolic steroids to use?

In the world of anabolic steroids, there are numerous different choices, which make your personal choice very difficult.

Which steroid to choose to achieve the best result? Inexperienced users often combine different steroids in dosages of more than 100 mg per day, for weeks and months without break.

This is medically unnecessary and excessive testosterone use that creates testosterone level far above the normal in the body of health, grown man. This can lead to number of difficult side-effects and cause health problems.

One of most serious problems is liver damage that can be caused by oral steroid use. Other possible serious problem of steroid (ab)use is increased level of cholesterol and subsequent heart attack, or significant sexual changes.

Obviously, knowledge and research is mandatory before you start taking any anabolic steroid. In our experience, top ten of most popular steroids among body-builders and athletes, are:

    Sustanon 250
    Teststerone cypionate
    Testosterone enanthate

Cutting cycles

It is difficult to say that there is one perfect cycle to apply with steroids, because different types of athletes have successfully used different steroid cycles.

There are few things you have to keep in mind when you consider using steroids. For one, you have to train hard and regularly, while also applying perfect nutritional diet.

For a beginner, one of great cycles would be to combine Decadurabolan  (use 200-400mg per week for 2 months straight) and Sustanon 250 OR Testaviron depot (use 500mg per week for 2 months as well).

Deca will enable you to build muscle mass, while Sustanon or Testaviron will enable you to lose fat. Again, high-quality nutrition is the key for your success in achieving both of the goals: fat loss and muscle gain.

If this cycle works great for you, you can prolong it for another 2 or 4 weeks. After you finish with cycle, make sure to use Clomid to bring back hormones in level post-cycle. Use Clomid for 10 to 14 days after you finish cycle.

Use a balanced combination

In order to achieve good fat loss results, as seen above, you have to choose effective steroid combination and stick to it. If you control estradiol level with antiaromatase or combine Dianabol with testosterone, you will achieve your goal.

Balanced combination will be the one where you combine non-aromatizing and aromatizing steroids in amount of up to 400 mg weekly.

Are you unsure about what steroids aromatisation suppose? Read this post to find clearly explained information about steroids aromatisation: What is steroid aromatization

Dosage counts

Athletes can achieve different results when it comes to fat loss and muscle gain, but it is difficult to attribute it to particular steroid cycle. It is possible that individual steroid dosage in combination can make difference.

So if you want to see superior result in short time so take 50 mg/day Trenbolone acetate that will help you in getting better cutting result of your stiff.


It can be concluded that individual steroid will not bring more fat loss than the other, but that the key is in combination, if you are seeking faster and more obvious results in certain timeframe.

While working on achieving results in fat loss and muscle gain, it is also important to care for decrease of negative side-effects (gynecomastia or sexual problems). Dosage can also make a difference in combination in cycle, and every cycle should be observed individually.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The difference between oral and injectable Winstrol

Winstrol is a DHT steroids that can be found in both forms: oral and injectable. It is highly admired for its abilities to burn fat and extra weight effectively while retaining body mass. It’s a derivative of testosterone, and as so it is expected to present good bulking effects, but you will not have such a pleasure with it. Whether it’s oral Winstrol or Winstrol Depot (injectable form) is not entitled to look for muscle gains as their structure was changed in way that deprive them from this function.

Winstrol is usually a great addition to any steroid cycle, as aside of its fat burning abilities, it also increases the amount of free testosterone in the body that may further increase the potency of other concurrently used anabolics. Since it is a DHT, it doesn’t aromatize, so it doesn’t water retention, bloating, gyno or other side effects associated with high level of estrogen in the body. Winstrol is largely used for its dry, shredded effect on body which is achieved mainly due to its antiestrogenic effects.

It may seem that whatever form of Winstrol you take you should wait for the same results. From technical standpoint, it is so since both forms deliver, in some wise, the same results and even have the same bad effect on your liver. With the minor difference that oral Winstrol is far more liver toxic, while Winstrol Depot is less since it enter the bloodstream directly. Winstrol is the single one steroid which in both forms display the same effects on body.

The difference between oral injectable Winstrol rely on how and when they are metabolized. Oral Winstrol has designed in a such way that it could pass the liver and gut and get in the bloodstream in a sizeable amount. For this purpose to its structure was added an c17 methylation which don’t let the liver metabolize the drug uterry. However, the degree of drug absorption by intestines and liver is different, as well as this process differ from one person to another.

Don’t imagine once oral Winstrol pass the first pass and get into bloodstream the whole process of absorption is over. The drug circulates in the blood until its is catched by another tissue and push to liver again. Further it has to pass the second time liver pitching, and chances are that the active amount of drugs is significantly reduced once again.
From this perspective, injectable steroid is much more effective as it enter the bloodstream directly and undergo only the second pass while oral form has to do it twice.

Aside of this, injectable Winstrol increases the nitrogen retention every time it is taken. Since an increase in nitrogen retention is directly related to muscle mass gain, is correctly to suppose that namely injectable winstrol is able to promote faster and effective muscle gain even in that modest amount.

Why to choose oral Winstrol for your cycle
With all the advantages of Winstrol Depot occur the question: why users will risk with Oral Winstrol? What makes it irreplaceable? It may sound trivial, but all those who fear needless found oral Winstrol a good alternative to injectable one. You have to know, that there are some other very important traits that makes oral Winstrol a good addition to your stack.

Oral Winstrol have good synergetic effect, being able to increase the potency of other anabolics taken concomitantly at several times. This is possible due to the influence it has on Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), a glycoprotein found in the liver. Its function is to convey the testosterone throughout the body, but it has the bad habit to bound to the testosterone and prevent it from its anabolic functions.

Since oral steroid have to pass through the liver it interacts with SHBG and have an unexpected effect on it: it lowering it as no other steroidi is able to do. This way, oral winstrol “ save” big amounts of testosterone and let the m work. The lower is the SHBG, the higher is the anabolic activity of testosterone. At a dosage of only 2 mg of oral Winstrol for each body weight, the SHBG is reduced to almost fifty percent.

The same effect would not be possible to achieve with injectable Winstrol. The reason is that injectable Winstrol primarily got in the bloodstream and only after this pass the liver and has the possibility to interact with SHBG. Oral Winstrol do it in first instance, and manage to get control of SHBG right from the beginning.

In general, orally taken steroid have a greater impact on SHBG than injectable ones. Not in vain we are advised to stack an oral and an injectable steroid for better results and safe use.

Winstrol for women: oral or injectable? If for men oral winstrol use is beneficial as it lowers SHBG, hence free up more testosterone, the same effect is not wanted in women. The more testosterone is available in women body, the higher chances to develop virilization features.

And yes, you can even drink Winstrol Depot as it is the same as oral, it’s just micronized Stanozolol powder suspended in water.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Stacking Dianabol with Injectable Steroids

Dianabol is a “17 alpha alkylated” steroid. It works by affecting the protein synthesis and supports the buildup of protein. This is a powerful steroid with both anabolic and androgenic effect on the user. This results in a quick and powerful buildup of strength and muscle mass making its primary use in conjunction with mass building injection stacks.

With this in mind Dianabol in commonly paired with injectable testosterone, (enanthate, cypionate and sustanon). The primary reason for this is to kick-start the mass building process. The aforementioned testosterones can take up to 3 – 4 weeks before becoming effective. The kick-start process will improve the gains in muscle mass, strength and the improvement of muscle pumps. There could be a weight gain of 2-4 pounds every week with the proper nutrition and training.

 Weight gain:

The reason for the weight gain is due to the fact that there is growth in the muscle fibers along with water retention. Dianabol aromatize quickly and easily, as a result of its high estrogenic properties. Due to these properties it is not advised to take prior to competition.

Side effects:

Because Dianabol goes into the category of 17-AA it is liver toxic. Over extended periods of time this can create high stress on the liver.
With the increase in weight due to its being a hypertrophy and water retention this could increase ones blood pressure to the point of requiring medications for blood pressure control.
Dianabol can create a serious case of acne on the face and neck, shoulders, back and chest. This is due to the Dianabols conversion to dihydrotestosterone.
Because this product readily converts to estrogens, gynecomastia is another possibility.
Should there be a genetic predisposition to hair loss Dianabol will increase the rapidity of hair loss.
Known to improve your mood however, discontinuing of Dianabol will create a loss in strength since there will no longer be fluid retention.
In order for your body to metabolize Dianabol, large quantities of water should be consumed.  1-2 gallons of water per day is highly recommended. Should this advisory not be followed the performing of strenuous exercises and back pumps can be met with headaches.


Because of the short life of Dianabol, which is only 3-5 hours, multiple doses may have to be taken. Dianabol can cause painful gastrointestinal symptoms if not taken with food. It requires 1 -3 hours to reach the blood stream.

Dianabols purpose is to jump start  mass and weight gain. It should only be used for a 4-6 week cycle under medical supervision. Dianabol only cycles are severely deterred. This is because it would require a large amount of Dianabol to replace the effects of testosterone.

Examples of Dinabol stacking cycles

The beginner cycle is as follows:

    1 Testosterone Enanthate – 500 mg. week, Dianabol (D-bol) 25 mg. daily, Arimidex – 0.5 every other day.
    2 – 6, same dosages
    7 – 12 discontinue Dianabol during week 7, every thing else remains the same.

The intermediate cycle is as follows:

    1 Sustanon 250, 750 mg. per week, Deca-Durobolin, 400 mg. wk. Dianabol, 50 mg. daily, Arimidex, 0.5 every other day.
    Remains the same until the 6th week, eliminate Dianabol at this time.
    Weeks 7 – 14 eliminate Deca-Durobolin rest of dosages remain the same.
    Weeks 15-16 continue Sustanon and Arimidex at same levels.

If you do decide to engage in a Dianabol cycle there are key factors to remember. While Dianabol is a very powerful steroid, you will automatically increase in size. In order to retain the weight you must fortify your growth with food. This and high quantities of water will help keep you healthy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stacking Deca Durabolin with peptides like TB-500 or GHRP-6 for healing effect

Aside of bulking, cutting or strength increasing effect, anabolic steroids are also used for healing injuries. Some of them have good anti-inflammatory effects, while all of them increase the number of red cells, pumping more blood not only to muscle tissues, but most important to ligaments and tendons. These parts are poorly fluidized; hence healing process takes longer and is more painful.

Please make the difference between corticosteroids and androgenic anabolic steroids. First group of steroids is based on cortisol, a substance that carries high healing properties, but also induce a greater catabolic effect during which a big percentage of muscle mass is eaten. Taking corticosteroids for healing injuries can be a good idea only if you don’t care about your muscle mass. Contrary, you have to properly manipulate your training or diet to keep catabolic process under control.

Taking peptides with steroids enhance muscle building process several times. Following such a stack can help to gain impressive amounts of muscle mass with even less steroids. And all this happens due to peptides. They greatly increase appetite and Human Growth Hormone level, which in result produce more ICF-1. This is that’s one hormone responsible for muscle growth.
Due to all these properties, peptides speed up recovery and carry good healing effects. Most of bodybuilders use to combine TB-500 with GHRP-6 or hGH to help body recover faster and heal injured tendons, ligaments or joints. There is no contraindication for mixing them, while dosage pretty low. 4-5 mg/week of TB-500 and 150-200 mcg three times per day of GHRP -6 is more than enough to promote healing in just few weeks of use.

Not that you are limited to these dosage, you can easily go with higher than this. The proper dosage can be set individually, based on your body reaction.

Why to mix a steroid with peptides for healing when they seem to work great alone

This is a very good question and if you take a look on steroids boards you will see that the number of those who want to know it is pretty high.

Peptides have the ability to enhance steroids properties and cause more gains. In the regard of healing effect, peptides accelerate recovery and help body to return to normal condition in short time. The alone use of peptides can cause some loss in muscle mass, due to increased cortisol level. By taking a steroid along with peptides catabolic process is reduced at minimum, these way individuals managing to keep on muscle mass they already have.

Not all steroids fit such a goal. Along with Deca Durabolin, just Equipoisecan also be used for reducing pain and inflammation. Deca Durabolin has good anti inflammatory properties and when stacked with peptides these effect  is even more prominent.

Equipoise has not the same anti inflammatory action as Deca Durabolin do, but it is highly appreciated for its ability to increase red blood cells and transport more nutrients and oxygen to damaged parts. Due to this rehab process is shorter and you have not to support big pain for such long time.

When not to mix Deca Durabolin with peptides

If you are worried with side effects like hair loss, acne, prostate growth or other than taking Deca Durabolin could be a problem. It just can worsen symptoms you already have leading to irreversible effects. Know your weak points and make sure a steroid intake is not going to cause you more damage than benefits.

If you are not sure with Deca Durabolin you can simply go with TB-500 and GHRP-6. Rehabilitation would be much faster than not using them at all, while no side effects are attached.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Long-Term and Low-Dose Oral Steroid Use as an Alternative to Traditional Steroid Cycles

However, there’s a real lack of evidence for the idea. I’ve never seen it done with success worth mentioning. On the other hand, it’s rarely tried, so I’ve only seen a handful of examples. And perhaps less-focused, less-dedicated training might have gone along with the less-focused, less-dedicated steroid use.

Pharmacologically, there are reasons why using anabolic steroids some days but not others might not give as much results as sustained use. The biological processes activated by the androgen receptor are not immediate, but take days to complete. Failing to sustain high androgen levels throughout the process might limit results. But that’s not a conclusive argument. For example, GH levels don’t have to be sustained to provide sustained biological activity.

What is conclusive is that sustaining high androgen levels does work, beyond doubt. Peaks that come and go? Not proven, and what evidence there is has it not working very well.

So if you want to experiment with this idea, you can, but inferior results are likely.

To meet your concerns while making at least as much gains per year as with traditional cycles, I’d suggest 2-week cycles. Total yearly progress is typically as good or better as with longer cycles, but body transformation is in smaller jumps.

Another reason not to rely only on orals is liver toxicity. With properly-planned steroid cycles, at most some of the steroids used will be liver toxic, because half or more of the total amount used will be non-alkylated injectables. Relying on orals only, the entire amount used is liver toxic, typically. It’s better to get most or all of the effect from injectables than to rely solely on orals.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Truth about Low Dose Cycles

Many people write that 200mg of testosterone per week does nothing more than shut down a man's natural test production and bring him near "normal levels"--this is not quite correct (part of the statement is correct part of it is not). This incorrect statement has endured probably because someone wrote down thier idea/theory of what happens in the body, it sounded good, and other people repeated it. But, it is not correct. Yes, 200mg of a long lasting ester of testosterone will shut down natural test production, BUT the amount of 200mg of a long lasting ester of testosterone is more than twice the "normal levels" of test in the body of a healthy non-steroid using male. Therefore, 200mg of a long lasting ester of testosterone per week is far more than enough to grow on.

Using a long acting ester testosterone (test cyp and test enanth) does not mimic the normally functioning male body's circadian rhythm (daily rise and fall of testosterone). Testosterone, in a normally functioning body, does not explode up to high levels then gradually fall over a 1-2 week period as it does when injecting a testosterone such as CYP or ENAN. On the contrary, the body produces a small amount each day which is far below 200mg (It's around 10mg). That small amount is concentrated at the beginning of the day and then falls low by the end of the day. This process repeats itself every day and by the end of two weeks, a normally functioning body produces approximately 140mg of testosterone (appx. 70mg per week).

The use of long acting esters are in theory supposed to slowly release the testosterone over a two week period, but this is not quite what happens. To keep it simple, the delay of the esters actually allows large amounts of testosterone to build up--especially if you are taking 200mg every week as opposed to once every two weeks (biweekly) which is what the dose is supposed to be. (I'm simplifying here). Remember the "normally functioning" male produces only (appx.) 70mg per week (=140mg per two weeks). The dose doctors are recommended to perscribe is 200mg every 2 weeks (biweekly), but they tend to give 200mg every week.

So, it is fallacious reasoning to compare the TOTAL amount of testosterone produced in daily spurts in a normally functioning body over a 2 week period to the same amount of testosterone injected in one shot at the beginning of a week and reshot every week (before the previous week's dose is used up). The latter case (injections once per week) results in an overlap and build up of dose which causes the levels of testosterone to be HIGHER than normal. (Remember the shots should actually be 200mg every TWO weeks--not every week). These excess levels of testosterone are sufficient to build lean body mass faster than the "normally functioning" male.

In other words: addding up what the average male body produces per week then comparing that to the amount that is shot every week is like comparing apples to oranges. There is a whole diferent set of advantageous reactions happening in the body when it is given a full
2-week load (200mg) at the beginning of a week as opposed to getting naturally occuring, small, daily spurts of appx 10mg over the same period of time (2 weeks).

This is why a low dose cycle can yeild REASONABLE gains. Understand, I'm not talking mega-huge-fast gains. I'm talking noticably-faster-than-normal gains, which when coupled with a strict diet, sufficient rest and an excellent bodybuilding work ethic, can yeild large, solid gains (especially early in a person's cycle experience).

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Primobolan Effects Cycles and Doses

Primobolan is one of the few steroids that can regularly be found in both oral and injectable forms; Methenolone-Enanthate being the injectable and Methenolone-Acetate the oral. A once fairly popular anabolic steroid, Primobolan is not nearly as popular as it once was; however, due to rumors surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger implying it was his favorite, to this day there remains a strong almost cult like following. While there is no question, Primobolan is one of the safer steroids we can use in-terms of side-effects because Masteron is more readily available and far less counterfeited many in recent years have opted for that rout. However, as these two steroids are often compared in truth and function they carry very specific differing traits; more importantly, the counterfeiting factor cannot be ignored. Yes, unfortunately Primobolan is one of the more commonly counterfeited steroids on the black market, especially the tablets but in high amounts in both forms. Nevertheless, legitimate Primo as it is commonly called, while a very mild steroid can be well suited for cutting cycles but generally for most there is little benefit otherwise. However, for the female anabolic steroid user, as Primobolan is very mild in nature it can often be a fine choice as side-effects are very easy to control and often non-existent when used responsibly.

The Benefits of Primobolan:
As a very mild DHT steroid, most will not see any bulking benefits from its use as it does not possess traits apt for this purpose. You could use this steroid as part of a bulking cycle but it would necessarily require massive amounts and due to this steroid being outrageously expensive this is simply not feasible. Most will find Primobolan to be best served in a cutting cycle; while it will not promote muscle tissue growth to any great degree it is a fantastic steroid for the use of preserving existing muscle tissue. Further, as it can preserve it has also been shown to be one of the few anabolic steroids that can directly lead to fat-loss. While almost all anabolic steroids carry this fat loss trait to a degree, Primobolan appears to do so in a more direct manner.

Without question the greatest benefit to Primobolan use lies within its safe nature when taken by female anabolic steroid users. Make no mistake, this is not a girl only steroid but because so many steroids are so harsh on females, as steroids such as Primo and Anavar are generally well-tolerated by women they hold somewhat of a special place. The largest concern for most women and anabolic steroid use is virilization; however, with responsible use this is non-existent in almost all females. While it can occur, if symptoms start to show, simply discontinuing will see them fade away. This makes Primobolan very beneficial to females as they are able to enjoy a moderate anabolic affect without the nasty side-effects. It is however very important to note, if virilization effects set in there is often no turning back; don’t push the envelope.

The Side-Effects of Primobolan:
As Primobolan does not aromatize many of the common anabolic steroid associated side-effects are non-existent. Side-effects such as water retention and bloat are very rare and Gynecomastia is of little concern. Further, as the oral version is not a 17-aa steroid liver damage largely goes out the window. Without question this is one of the safest steroids on the market but make no mistake, possible side-effects do exist. Like all DHT based steroids Primobolan can cause hair-loss. There is something you need to understand about hair-loss, steroids that promote this do not make you go bald, you were going to go bald anyway but if you are predisposed to this condition DHT steroids like Primobolan will simply speed it up. Beyond hair-loss and virilization in women who abuse the steroid there is little concern when this steroid is used; however, testosterone suppression must be mentioned and discussed as there is a prevailing myth in this regard.

Primobolan & Testosterone:
For reasons that make as much sense as saying what goes up must turn purple, a common belief by many is that Primobolan does not suppress natural testosterone production. It is true, many steroids carry with them varying levels of harshness in-terms of testosterone suppression but most all suppress and Primo makes no exception. A low dose of the steroid, as low as a mere 25mg can suppress testosterone production by as much as 50% and this is assuming no more is administered beyond the one dose. This makes bridging with this steroid, which is very common not only a bad idea but simply stupid.

Primobolan Primobolan is one of the few steroids that can regularly be found in both oral and injectable forms; Methenolone-Enanthate being the injectable and Methenolone-Acetate the oral. A once fairly popular anabolic steroid, Primobolan is not nearly as popular as it once was; however, due to rumors surrounding Arnold Schwarzenegger implying it was his favorite, to this day there remains a strong almost cult like following. While there is no question, Primobolan is one of the safer steroids we can use in-terms of side-effects because Masteron is more readily available and far less counterfeited many in recent years have opted for that rout. However, as these two steroids are often compared in truth and function they carry very specific differing traits; more importantly, the counterfeiting factor cannot be ignored. Yes, unfortunately Primobolan is one of the more commonly counterfeited steroids on the black market, especially the tablets but in high amounts in both forms. Nevertheless, legitimate Primo as it is commonly called, while a very mild steroid can be well suited for cutting cycles but generally for most there is little benefit otherwise. However, for the female anabolic steroid user, as Primobolan is very mild in nature it can often be a fine choice as side-effects are very easy to control and often non-existent when used responsibly.

The Benefits of Primobolan:
As a very mild DHT steroid, most will not see any bulking benefits from its use as it does not possess traits apt for this purpose. You could use this steroid as part of a bulking cycle but it would necessarily require massive amounts and due to this steroid being outrageously expensive this is simply not feasible. Most will find Primobolan to be best served in a cutting cycle; while it will not promote muscle tissue growth to any great degree it is a fantastic steroid for the use of preserving existing muscle tissue. Further, as it can preserve it has also been shown to be one of the few anabolic steroids that can directly lead to fat-loss. While almost all anabolic steroids carry this fat loss trait to a degree, Primobolan appears to do so in a more direct manner.

Without question the greatest benefit to Primobolan use lies within its safe nature when taken by female anabolic steroid users. Make no mistake, this is not a girl only steroid but because so many steroids are so harsh on females, as steroids such as Primo and Anavar are generally well-tolerated by women they hold somewhat of a special place. The largest concern for most women and anabolic steroid use is virilization; however, with responsible use this is non-existent in almost all females. While it can occur, if symptoms start to show, simply discontinuing will see them fade away. This makes Primobolan very beneficial to females as they are able to enjoy a moderate anabolic affect without the nasty side-effects. It is however very important to note, if virilization effects set in there is often no turning back; don’t push the envelope.

The Side-Effects of Primobolan:
As Primobolan does not aromatize many of the common anabolic steroid associated side-effects are non-existent. Side-effects such as water retention and bloat are very rare and Gynecomastia is of little concern. Further, as the oral version is not a 17-aa steroid liver damage largely goes out the window. Without question this is one of the safest steroids on the market but make no mistake, possible side-effects do exist. Like all DHT based steroids Primobolan can cause hair-loss. There is something you need to understand about hair-loss, steroids that promote this do not make you go bald, you were going to go bald anyway but if you are predisposed to this condition DHT steroids like Primobolan will simply speed it up. Beyond hair-loss and virilization in women who abuse the steroid there is little concern when this steroid is used; however, testosterone suppression must be mentioned and discussed as there is a prevailing myth in this regard.

Primobolan & Testosterone:
For reasons that make as much sense as saying what goes up must turn purple, a common belief by many is that Primobolan does not suppress natural testosterone production. It is true, many steroids carry with them varying levels of harshness in-terms of testosterone suppression but most all suppress and Primo makes no exception. A low dose of the steroid, as low as a mere 25mg can suppress testosterone production by as much as 50% and this is assuming no more is administered beyond the one dose. This makes bridging with this steroid, which is very common not only a bad idea but simply stupid.

Primobolan Cycles & Doses:
Because Primobolan is a very weak steroid most men will necessarily need to take in quite a bit to really see any effect. Many men who use Primobolan are often very disappointed simply because they didn’t use enough. Further, men who take oral Primobolan are often left even more disappointed as it takes an even larger amount of the oral version to reap the same benefits as the injectable version. Most men will find 500mg per week to be the necessary dose to truly see any positive result(s) and because of its mild nature 8 weeks of use will be the minimum with 12 weeks being for more optimal.

For our female athlete either version will create a great boost but of course injectable will prove to be far more efficient. To ensure virilization does not occur most women will need to use Primobolan in 4-6 week bursts. For example, 4 weeks of use, followed by a two week break, followed by 4 weeks of use if desired; however, if virilization begins to show, no matter which week you’re in, stop use immediately and let your body heal. Most women will find 100mg per week to be a very powerful dose that brings them all they’d ever want or need with many finding 50mg to be efficient and effective. :
Because Primobolan is a very weak steroid most men will necessarily need to take in quite a bit to really see any effect. Many men who use Primobolan are often very disappointed simply because they didn’t use enough. Further, men who take oral Primobolan are often left even more disappointed as it takes an even larger amount of the oral version to reap the same benefits as the injectable version. Most men will find 500mg per week to be the necessary dose to truly see any positive result(s) and because of its mild nature 8 weeks of use will be the minimum with 12 weeks being for more optimal.

For our female athlete either version will create a great boost but of course injectable will prove to be far more efficient. To ensure virilization does not occur most women will need to use Primobolan in 4-6 week bursts. For example, 4 weeks of use, followed by a two week break, followed by 4 weeks of use if desired; however, if virilization begins to show, no matter which week you’re in, stop use immediately and let your body heal. Most women will find 100mg per week to be a very powerful dose that brings them all they’d ever want or need with many finding 50mg to be efficient and effective.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Effects of Winstrol

The effects of Winstrol are more than welcomed by most performance enhancing athletes. From gains in strength to enhanced and superb conditioning the effects of Winstrol have something for just about everyone. A solid DHT derived anabolic steroid, Winstrol is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used by both men and women, making it one of the most popular anabolic steroids of all time. Of course, this steroid is not without downsides, for if you put something in your body, no matter what it is there's always a potential risk for adverse side-effects. Available in an oral tablet as well as an injectable solution, in either case the hormone is the same, and with responsible use can benefit almost any athlete tremendously.

The Positive Effects of Winstrol

Stanozolol is a powerful Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid most commonly known by the name given to it by its developer Sterling-Winthrop Laboratories as Winstrol. By its nature, Winny, as it is often called is mildly androgenic with a strong anabolic nature that greatly increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. While these are two welcomed traits, it is the hormones ability to lower SHBG that makes it special. When SHBG decreases we now have more free testosterone to pull from, and what's more is this hormone has this effect to a higher degree than just about any anabolic steroid.

What does this all mean? Stanozolol is one of the easier anabolic steroids to understand, but how do the positive effects of Winstrol translate to the athlete? Often, when many people think of Stanozolol they think of the 1988 Summer Olympics, when Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson destroyed the competition. Johnson, who won handedly over the favored Carl Lewis tested positive for Stanozolol, and was stripped of his medals, but it was through the use of this hormone by Johnson that we really saw it shine. Put simply, the effects of Winstrol largely surround enhanced strength and performance, and this can be translated into both direct physical strength and speed.

Strength and speed are not the only positive effects of Winstrol, as conditioning is paramount. The vast majority of those who supplement with anabolic steroids do so for visual effects. We're not only referring to physique athletes, but the everyday gym rat, as they make up the majority of performance enhancing athletes. The effects of Winstrol can lend to a harder and more defined physique, as well as one that is more vascular in appearance. By its nature, Stanozolol can greatly preserve lean tissue when calories are restricted, preserve strength that is often lost when dieting, and simply lead to a more pleasing physique looking back from the other side of the mirror.

The Negative Effects of Winstrol

Like all anabolic steroids, Stanozolol is not without downsides. If it's an anabolic steroid there is a potential for adverse reactions, but this does not only apply to anabolic steroids, it applies to anything we put into our body. All medications, from prescriptions to over the counter medications carry significant possible side-effects. Even the foods we eat can cause adverse reactions. Think about it, there are tons of people who cannot take Aspirin or Tylenol, and there are millions who can't drink milk or eat peanuts. Individual response is a huge factor when discussing the effects of absolutely anything.

Beyond individual response, we must also take into account responsibility, and again, we turn to Aspirin. You may indeed be one who responds in a positive fashion to Aspirin, but if you take an entire bottle should you expect to be OK? Of course not, you'll undoubtedly run into some serious problems. Further, as it pertains to negative effects, a key point often neglected is education. Knowing what the adverse effects are can be quite useful, as it allows us to not only combat them, but often to even avoid them. So what are the possible adverse effects of Winstrol, that's the obvious question and they include:

High Cholesterol. If you already suffer from high cholesterol you should avoid the Stanozolol hormone; in-fact, you should avoid most anabolic steroids. If you have a healthy cholesterol level you will want to supplement responsibly to ensure it stays this way. This means avoiding high doses and use far beyond recommended total durations. Further, following a diet that is cholesterol friendly is very important. This is something you should already be doing, but it becomes even more important when supplementing with anabolic steroids. If you're a healthy adult and you can do these things you can avoid the cholesterol related effects of Winstrol.

Liver Toxicity. Winstrol, both the oral and injectable form belong to the C17-aa class of anabolic steroids, and by this nature are toxic to the liver. This nature is necessary to the hormones survival, for without the C17-aa nature the liver would destroy the hormone before the body could use it. When we supplement with Stanozolol our liver values will increase, and they can increase quite substantially. Again, individual response and total dosing will play a large role, but our levels will go up nonetheless. To keep the liver healthy you are encouraged to avoid regular alcohol consumption and any other activity that may cause undue stress to the liver. Even avoiding over the counter medications where you can is advisable, as many over the counter medications are far more toxic to the liver than Winstrol. Further, and this is very important; if you are responsible with your doses, duration of use and live a liver healthy lifestyle, once use is discontinued your liver values will return to normal very quickly, and no permanent damage will be done.

Hair-Loss. As is common with many DHT based anabolic steroids, one of the effects of Winstrol can be hair-loss. If you are predisposed to male-pattern baldness there is a fairly good chance you may lose a little hair. It's important to keep in mind you were going to lose this hair to begin with, the use of Winstrol simply sped the process up. Conversely, if you are not predisposed to male-pattern baldness you will not lose the first hair on your head.

Acne. As is with hair-loss, acne is largely genetically driven. If you are sensitive to acne you will be the one who has the first problem. Those who are not sensitive and who are not using contaminated products should be fine. Further, if you are sensitive there are things you can do to protect yourself. Staying very clean is very important, and if this means taking an extra shower each day then so be it. Moreover, you are encouraged to change your shirt when it becomes sweaty. For example, if you work out and are not showering at the gym, even if you're going to shower as soon as you get home you're going to want to change your shirt before you go home. Staying clean and using clean products will go a long, long way.

Testosterone Suppression. When we supplement with anabolic steroids our natural testosterone production is suppressed. This applies to Winstrol just as it does any steroid. For this reason, most men will need to supplement with testosterone when they supplement with Stanozolol. The form does not matter as long as you're providing the body what it needs. As testosterone production is suppressed testicular atrophy will occur. However, once use is discontinued and all anabolic steroids have cleared your system testosterone production will begin again, and your testicles will return to their normal size.

Virilization (Females). When females supplement with anabolic steroids they run a risk of virilization. Such effects can be very damaging to a woman's femininity and include:

- Deepening of the Vocal Chords

- Body-Hair Growth

- Clitoral Enlargement

- Disrupted Menstrual Cycle

The majority of anabolic steroids will cause such problems in women, but there are a few like Winstrol that can be used without such effects. Make no mistake, Stanozolol can cause these problems, the odds of controlling them are simply low if you are responsible. If a female supplements with Stanozolol and the adverse effects of Winstrol of a virilizing nature occur she should discontinue use immediately. If you discontinue as soon as the symptoms show they will fade away and you'll be fine. If you ignore them they can set up shop permanently.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Deca Steroids

Deca steroids are one of the most popularly used anabolic steroids of all time and have been so for generations. In most cases deca steroids refer to the drug Deca-Durabolin, formally known as Nandrolone Decanoate. While this high class of anabolic steroid is often simply called “Deca” this label isn’t entirely accurate due to “Deca” or Decanoate being an attached ester, not the actual drug. There is actually a few deca steroids available; there are even drugs of a non-anabolic steroidal nature that use this ester; several of them but it is without question Nandrolone Decanoate that carries with it the most popularity among all the deca steroids.

Understanding the Decanoate Ester in Deca Steroids:
The decanoate ester belongs to a class known as a decanoic acid, a type of fatty acid which provides a very long half-life regardless of the drug it is attached to. You guessed it, when we attach this ester to an anabolic steroid its detection time is also of a very high nature; deca steroids carry with them some of the longest lasting detection times of any anabolic steroid on the market.

Deca Steroids of the Nandrolone Form:
Like testosterone, Nandrolone is found in every human being; that is correct, our bodies naturally produce this hormone. Further and as it pertains to the interest at hand, this powerful hormone has the ability to add lean muscle tissue quite unlike many other hormones; even more exciting is this hormones ability to block the muscle wasting hormone cortisol. As it pertains to supplementation of the hormone, this drug is also available with a faster/shorter attached ester known as phenylpropionate but most will find the deca steroids to be more efficient than their counterparts.

Deca Steroids & Testosterone:
Beyond Deca-Durabolin type anabolics the decanoate ester is sometimes combined to the testosterone molecule, usually as a part of Sustanon-250 most commonly. This form of testosterone can be found alone and used as a single ester but it is not highly advised nor sought after. There are many other single estered testosterones that have been proven to be far more effective and efficient. If you desire to use deca steroids of a testosterone nature you will be best served doing so as part of a testosterone mix.

Deca Steroids & Use:
Deca steroids have proven to be some of the best anabolic steroids available but as there is as with all performance enhancing drugs there is a method you need to understand to reap the highest reward. Decanoate is a very long lasting drug as discussed meaning it remains in our system for a very long time even after use is stopped. Further, we understand the importance of proper therapy after we end any anabolic steroid cycle, commonly called PCT. To reap the most successful reward we must promote recovery after our cycle and when our cycle contained any various deca steroids we must take note. The most effective means is to end use of all deca steroids approximately 4 weeks before the cycles end and to end the final four weeks with only fast acting anabolics. By doing so we have allowed time for the deca steroids to start clearing our system, brought forth the time we can start PCT to an earlier date and highly promoted recovery. This is the name of the game, not only when it comes to anabolic steroid use but the muscle and performance game as a whole; recovery. Without recovery you’re only beating your head against the wall.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Insulin-Like Growth Factor Recombinant 3

IGF1 stands for insulin like growth factor. It mimics insulin in the human body and also at the same time makes the muscles more sensitive to insulin's effects. It is a growth factor and is the most potent one in the human body at that. IGF causes muscle cell hyperplasia, which is an actual splitting and forming of new muscle cells. This was thought to only be possible during puberty. IGF is much more potent at this effect than growth hormone is, in fact almost all of the effects you see from growth hormone come from the increased amount of IGF that your liver produces when the GH is destroyed. So it would be very easy to say that IGF is a much more potent and cheaper alternative to GH use, although GH is more effective for fat loss than IGF due to some other effects that it causes such as metabolism increase and the ability to effectively use more insulin, T3, and anabolic steroids.

Another advantage that IGF has over GH is that it has much more of an affinity to attach to muscle cells instead of bone and organ cells. Growth hormone has been know to cause a lot of organ enlargement and bone elongation since it attaches to all types of receptor cells. IGF is much more likely to go where we want it, our muscle cells. IGF-1 attaches to myogenic stem cells which are only located in muscle and connective tissues. These myogenic stem cells are responsible for the production of myoblast cells which in turn are responsible for the buildup and repair of connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and joints to a certain extent).

So from this you can see that IGF-1 is great for increasing the strength of tendons and also for helping to heal existing injuries while at the same time helping to prevent them. IGF-1 is also responsible for increased protein synthesis and amino acid synthesis.

IGF does not have to be used along with anabolic steroids, GH, insulin, or thyroid hormones to be effective. It causes muscle growth on its own. In fact some people prefer to use it during their breaks from steroid cycles since IGF has no effect on natural test production. It could effectively be used along with HCG, clomid, and PGF2a for a hell of an off cycle stack which would allow your body to return to normal and still allow you to grow!! On its own IGF will give an increase of around 2 lbs. of new solid lean muscle tissue every two weeks, and is also is know for its ability to strip off body fat and GREATLY increase vascularity, body fat decreases of 5-8% over a 50 day cycle are not uncommon. But, of course you will be much happier with the results if you use the IGF along with anabolic steroids, testosterone, and insulin.

The use of steroids along with the IGF allow you to quickly mature and strengthen the new muscle tissue that the IGF has formed, and may also speed the process of hyperplasia. If you need any help setting up a great stack to
use along with the IGF just let me know and I can help you out. I speak with lots of top bodybuilders and guru's so I am very knowledgeable.

The dosage issue for IGF is where the most controversy lies. Dosages used by competitive athletes most commonly range anywhere between 60mcg/day to 100+mcg/day. The trick is finding the dosage that works best for YOU. For most the best results appear when you reach a dosage of 80mcg/day, while some do
receive good results from only 40mcg/day. I personally feel the best results begin to be noticed at a dosage of 100mcg/day. I personally am using 150mcg/day during my current cycle.

Also I should let you know that the form of IGF is the Long R3 analog. It has been chemically altered and has a longer half-life than regular IGF, which only lasts about 10 minutes in the human body once injected. The Long R3 IGF-1 has a half-life of 6-10 hours, so you will only need to inject once or twice per day. The best time to inject is after lifting and in the morning, so it would be best to use half the dosage in the morning and the other half after lifting. This will take maximal advantage of IGF's insulin
mimicking effects.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pyramiding and Tapering Oral Anabolic Steroids During a Steroid Cycle

How to time the use of oral anabolic steroids within the weeks of a steroid cycle? Is it necessary to pyramid up and down or taper their use?

Usually the principal use of oral anabolic steroids within a cycle is to add to the total effect of the stack. In the simplest instance, make every week of oral use the same, unless you encounter new information during the steroid cycle. There’s no reason to pyramid up, taper down, or “diamond.”

However, there can be other reasons to change dose of orals.

One factor is that oral anabolic steroids will preferably be used for only 6 weeks at a time. Alkylated steroids have liver toxicity, and nearly all orals are alkylated. When use of orals is limited to 6 weeks and cycle length is greater than this, then obviously some weeks will employ orals while others will not.

In many cases, the best weeks to choose for orals are the final weeks. One reason is that the later weeks of the cycle are more in need of a boost than are the earliest weeks, as the body needs less help to make gains in the earlier weeks.

Another advantage of using orals at the end of a cycle is that past the last injection, levels of injected steroid are dropping and are of reduced effectiveness. Orals can really boost the effectiveness of this period.

But in other instances, the earlier weeks can have the greater need for a boost. A common case is where the user wishes to bulk in the earlier weeks and cut in the final weeks. Here, I’d use orals in the first weeks, or principally in the first weeks. Some orals might be saved for the end of the cycle: for example 5 weeks’ worth could be used at the beginning, and 1 week’s worth at the end.

A final reason for changing oral dosing during the steroid cycle can be if you encounter new information as the cycle progresses. For example, perhaps you’d have liked to use 50 mg/day of Dianabol, but you had concern about side effects and so decided on 25 mg/day. After a week or two with the lower dose, your new personal experience might relieve that concern. So, you might decide to increase the dose. This would be entirely reasonable, as would the reverse situation.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Injury During an Anabolic Steroid Cycle

What to do when an injury occurs during an anabolic steroid cycle?

However, being smart – picking the right times to tough it out and the right times to act strategically – also goes along with achievement.

This should be considered: The wait time until your next cycle should be proportional to the length of your last period of use. For simplicity, here we’ll allow the same number of weeks “off” as “on.” This is moderately aggressive steroid cycling. You might choose a different proportion; if so, you can plug in your own proportion. The principle applies no matter the proportion.

With an equal number of weeks “off” as “on,” if you complete the 14 week cycle, then you’d wait another 14 weeks after that before starting your next steroid cycle. That would then be 23 weeks from now, as you’d have another 9 weeks left in this cycle. And those 9 weeks will be of at best impaired effectiveness.

So that’s 23 weeks before being able to really forge ahead.

In contrast, if you strategically end this cycle now, in only 5 weeks from now you can be doing a fully effective cycle.

You’d have that cycle finished well before you’d otherwise have been able to start a second cycle. You’ll be way ahead.

Anabolic steroids in and of themselves don’t cause great muscle gain. They enable getting much more out of your training and nutrition. I’m not telling you anything you don’t know: training is the principal real cause of results.

Anabolic steroids allow more and harder training and allow getting more results from training. Where training is compromised by injury, anabolic steroids are limited in what they can do for you.

If cycling steroids – using them in some weeks of the year but not others – by far the most efficient practice is to use them in weeks when able to train properly.

This doesn’t mean abandoning a cycle because of minor problems, but when training really will be comprised, usually it’s best to cut a cycle short. This gives better long term results because it enables getting to the next cycle more quickly, and gets the most out of each week of use.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What is “Roid Rage”?

Basically when an anabolic steroid is taken it adds extra levels of testosterone to the body. The hormones can have different effects on the body which can include:

 These hormones can first produce a very positive effect on a person’s psyche
 This positive effect can later turn into a negative one which can alter the way people act.
 In the early stages of steroid use it may seem that the steroids are making you feel great and very happy, however with continued use these feelings can greatly change.

When buying steroids most people think about the positive effects but do not consider the negative psyche effects that can occur.

With the continued use of steroids the below symptoms can begin to occur

 More hostile

These behaviours are referred to as “roid rage.” It’s a term given to people that act very aggressive and hostile after taking doses of steroids, usually on a consistent basis. There have been many studies performed related to roid rage and these studies support the theory that people most likely to get roid rage are those people who were already angry and hostile prior to taking the drug. However, despite these studies steroids can have psychological effects on any steroid user. So, if you’re thinking about taking steroids be cautious as they could greatly affect your behaviour.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Best and Worst Anabolic Steroid Choices for Female Steroid Cycles

Anabolic steroids best suited for female steroid cycles are compounds which exhibit very low androgenic strength ratings in comparison to the anabolic strength ratings. These are all often considered the ‘mild’ anabolic steroids that are so frequently discussed among the anabolic steroid using community. It must be understood, however, that although various anabolic steroids may possibly exhibit a very low threshold for androgenic effects on the body, no anabolic steroid is completely incapable of exhibiting these effects. All anabolic steroids to varying degrees exhibit androgenic effects, and thus the potential for virilization exists with all of them, no matter how ‘mild’ a particular anabolic steroid might be claimed to be.

In addition, long-estered anabolic steroids should be avoided at all costs by female users due to the fact that they exhibit a very long window of release and very long half-life. Females must be careful with such a characteristic of long-estered anabolic steroids (Enanthate, Cypionate, Decanoate, Undecylenate, etc.), as this presents difficulty in controlling blood plasma levels of the hormone. Following cessation of use, it must also be understood that the very long half-life that these particular esters provide will also translate into a very slow reduction of blood plasma levels and very slow elimination of the hormone from the body. This must always be kept in mind with female-specific use, especially when virilization symptoms appear and the hormone must be discontinued promptly.

The worst selection of anabolic steroids for females would be those that exhibit high or very high androgenic strength ratings, such as Testosterone, Dianabol, Anadrol, Trenbolone, and various others. While some females may opt to engage in the use of these heavy androgens, they do not suit the goals and preferences of most females. One must also understand that there essentially exist three different tiers of female anabolic steroid users:

- Female competitive and/or professional bodybuilders that utilize anabolic steroids
- Female fitness/figure competitors that utilize anabolic steroids
- The average female in the gym utilizing anabolic steroids to get in better shape quicker

Any reader would be able to tell the difference in the aforementioned three tiers of female anabolic steroid users, and that there are some significant differences in the goals, aspirations, and the sacrifices and risks each group of female users may (or may not) be willing to take in order to achieve their desired goals. Therefore there are vast differences between each individual’s values, priorities, and how far a female individual is willing to go in order to achieve their desired goals.

Female competitive bodybuilders: As described, these are female bodybuilders attempting to develop an extremely muscular physique far beyond any average female’s (or even many male’s) desired goals. The typical average female would regard this type of physique aspiration/goal to be ‘disgusting’. As such, female competitive bodybuilders are more likely to be willing to accept the potential heavy virilization associated the use of heavy androgens, such as Trenbolone or Testosterone. If a particular female bodybuilder believes that Trenbolone use will assist them in achieving their ultimate physique goals while ignoring/disregarding the issue of virilization, then this is their individual personal decision to do so and deal with the potential consequences of possible rapid virilization. Female bodybuilders, for the most part, possess an ‘anything goes’ attitude when it comes to the selection of anabolic steroids to utilize in a female steroid cycle.

Female fitness/figure competitors: These female athletes would be considered a step down in ranking from the previously mentioned group of female athletes. These are females that are quite obviously unwilling to venture to the same extreme as female bodybuilders. The general goal of female athletes in this case is to obtain a muscular, fit, lean, and ‘sexy’ looking physique while still retaining their femininity. In such a case, this group of female athletes would wish to avoid virilization wherever possible. Thus, the majority of female figure/fitness athletes are unwilling to enter into the risky realm of heavy androgenic anabolic steroids such as Trenbolone, Testosterone, Dianabol, and several others. The majority of these females will tend to restrict their use to the more ‘mild’ anabolic steroids such as Primobolan, Anavar, Winstrol (Stanozolol), etc. due to the fact that these exhibit weaker androgenic strength ratings in comparison to their anabolic strength capabilities. Virilization with compounds such as these is not often a problem, provided that doses and cycle lengths are modest and sensible (as previously mentioned concerning shorter cycle lengths for females).

The average female in the gym attempting to reach physique goals faster and more efficiently:  following the explanation of the prior two categories of female athletes, this particular tier of female users is quite easily understood and straightforward. The average female attempting to stay in shape in the gym would be unwilling to venture anywhere close to the risks of virilization and developing male characteristics. Therefore, not only are these female users limited to the use of ‘mild’ anabolic steroids, it is at the slightest development of virilization (the slightest cracking of the voice or accelerated body/facial hair growth) that these female users would cease the use of all anabolic steroids immediately. Sensibly low doses as well as minimal cycle lengths are very common among these particular female anabolic steroid users.

The following lists are in order of the most appropriate choice of compounds to the most inappropriate (top to bottom of the lists):

- Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate)
- Anavar (Oxandrolone)
- Oral Winstrol (Stanozolol)
- Injectable Winstrol (Stanozolol)
- Injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate)

- Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
- Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
- Masteron (Drostanolone Propionate)
- Deca-Durabolin (Nandrolone Decanoate)

- Trenbolone
- Testosterone (all types, including Sustanon 250)
- Anadrol (Oxymetholone
- Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Seeking Strength without Size?

The large majority of my previous articles have focused on the needs of the steroid using BB’r and his/her unique goals, but there are plenty of other steroid using athletes out there whose goals do not reflect those of the typical BB’r. One frequently asked question that routinely applies to this demographic is “What drugs can I use to help increase my strength without adding bodyweight?” You might be expecting me to write out the perfect steroid cycle for accomplishing this objective, but it is a bit more complicated than that. You see, just as steroids are diverse in their effects on the body, so to does personal response to these drugs vary considerably. Just because one steroid might work great for one individual does not mean the next guy will encounter the same degree of success.

Nonetheless, when it comes to strength enhancement, decades of real-world experience in the BB’ing & strength communities have provided us with a pretty good idea of which drugs work the best for the largest percentage of individuals. While personal experimentation and occasional adjustments will likely need to occur before settling in on your ideal protocol, you can be sure there is a steroid or combination of steroids which is best suited for you. When careful selection is matched with proper application, the desired results are achieved.

It is important to understand that there is more to adding strength in the absence of bodyweight gains than drug selection alone. Diet and training will, by necessity, play a large role in bringing this to fruition because in truth, almost any AAS can add muscle tissue when added to a surplus of calories, along with intensive resistance training. In fact, diet is the single most important factor in maintaining bodyweight in the face of strength gains, regardless of the type of steroid(s) used. First and foremost, the key principle in maintaining bodyweight is to consume an amount of calories which does not exceed your metabolic requirements. One of the foundational rules of weight gain states that if you take in more calories than you burn, you will gain bodyweight…period. Therefore, it is an absolute requirement that your caloric intake remain commensurate with your metabolic needs. Since metabolism can vary so significantly among individuals, it is up to you to determine what your caloric requirements are if you are serious about maximizing strength gains without adding bodyweight.
In terms of training, the type of stimulus delivered can have a substantial impact on muscle mass accrual. By relying in muscle hypertrophy training in order to increase strength, you run a larger risk of increased bodyweight, compared to individuals who rely mostly on nervous system training. However, not all athletes are best served by relying predominantly on nervous system training, but require a hybrid system utilizing both training styles. It is possible to use hypertrophy training programs without adding additional body mass, as long as caloric intake is closely monitored and adjusted as necessary. Still, for those who desire to maximize their absolute strength without adding body mass, a heavy reliance on nervous system training may prove the most fruitful. This is why so many lighter powerlifters attempting to remain within a predetermined weight class frequently rely on a combination of nervous system training and technique over traditional hypertrophy programs.

I would like to side step one minute and address the issue of AAS-induced water retention and weight gain. All steroids can potentially result in water retention ranging from minor to severe. Obviously, this will lead to some degree weight gain. Regardless of how much water is retained, all of it is transient and will subside upon discontinuance of the offending steroid(s). This water retention can be either subcutaneous, intramuscular, or a combination of both, depending on the drug. Sub-q (subcutaneous) water retention is clearly visible and is what we normally refer to as “water retention”, as it is stored directly beneath the skin and results in a soft and puffy look. Intramuscular water retention is an equally common occurrence, but is stored directly inside muscle tissue. For this reason, I.M. water retention is undifferentiable from genuine muscle growth from a visual standpoint and is often interpreted as such, leading some athletes to slash calories unnecessarily in an effort to avoid permanent weight gain. Therefore, it is important to be able to differentiate between I.M. water retention and genuine muscle growth, but this knowledge can only come by way of self-education and personal experience with a particular steroid. Once the individual understands how he is affected by a specific drug, he will be able to determine with greater accuracy how much of the weight he has gained is muscle or just plain water.

It should also be noted that under the right circumstances, many steroids are often able to increase lean body mass when eating a maintenance amount of calories and sometimes, even when in a caloric deficit. This is due to the nutrient re-partitioning abilities of steroids, in general. So, if the lifter’s bodyweight begins to rise above and beyond what is due to simple water retention, he will want to discontinue the drug, lower the dosage, or reduce his calories in order to maintain his bodyweight. Some steroids do this better than others (Trenbolone is a good example), which is a dream come true for ranchers raising livestock for slaughter, but for athletes attempting to maintain bodyweight, this characteristic is potentially disadvantageous. This does not mean that all steroids which function in this capacity are unfeasible for use. In fact, some AAS in this group have performed impressively when it comes to improving strength without adding bodyweight (Trenbolone is an example yet again), but one should be aware of this issue, so it can be avoided if it starts to become a problem.

The circumstances a lifter/athlete finds himself in will determine which cycle might be optimal at any given time. For example, let’s take a look at a powerlifter. An off-cycle powerlifter who weighs 180 pounds and is seeking to remain within the 181 lb. weight class at competition will be able to utilize most of the different water retaining compounds during the off-season, as temporary water retention is of little concern. However, as the lifter approaches his competition, these drugs are often phased out in favor of AAS which lack this side effect. A lifter’s bodyweight in proximity to his weight class limit will usually have a significant bearing on what type of changes he makes to his pre-meet cycle.

The following is by no means an exhaustive list of AAS for this purpose and one should always keep in mind that variances in personal response and diet can have a dramatic influence on any steroid’s ability to build muscle mass and therefore, increase bodyweight. Since almost any steroid can be used off-season without fear of permanent weight gain (assuming diet is properly monitored), I am not going to list any AAS other than those which have built a reputation for increasing strength without adding bodyweight. In terms of oral AAS, Halotestin, Anavar, Winstrol, and Methyl DHT are some of the best, with Cheque Drops sometimes being employed as a last minute touch to a more complete cycle. When it comes to injectables AAS, Trenbolone, Masteron, and even higher dosed Primobolan have proven effective.

While the above AAS can certainly be used pre-meet and regularly are, I feel the need to point out that many powerlifters do not adhere strictly to this list pre-meet, but instead choose to employ water retaining steroids, while relying on various methods of dehydration in order to make weight. There are many different ways to go about making weight as a powerlifter, so the limited drug list here is designed more as a reference for those who haven’t yet learned all the ins and out of effectively making weight and need a fool-proof drug plan so they don’t accidentally go over their weight limit.

Now, when we are talking about athletes such as boxers, MMA fighter, etc, the need to maintain optimal cardiovascular performance for an extended period of time is crucial. In this instance, any excess water retention…or the dehydrating measures commonly employed by powerlifters to make weight, will negatively impact performance and for this reason, are usually avoided. Therefore, most of the water retaining drugs, especially in larger dosages, are not a good idea for this type of athlete right before a fight. In addition to the hindrance of excess water weight, some steroids are well known to decrease cardiovascular performance to a significant degree. Trenbolone serves as a prime example. In a powerlifter’s case, this decrease in cardiovascular output is of little relevance, but it can be devastating to athletes such as MMA fighters, boxers, sprinters, wrestlers, etc. For this reason, pre-comp cycles need to be tailored differently for athletes whose sport demands the utmost in cardiovascular endurance. Some of the very best drugs for the above mentioned athletes in the last few weeks leading up to their competition/fight are Halotestin (a very potent androgen which is good for strength and aggression without weight gain), Anavar (a strong anabolic noted for improvements in strength and muscular endurance without weight gain), Equipoise (another anabolic which in moderate dosages, will lead to considerable improvements in muscular and cardiovascular endurance due to its proficiency at increasing red blood cell count, with little to no weight gain), and testosterone propionate in lower dosages (which will help maintain normal physiological function, moderately improve RBC count, enhance recovery, and impart an alpha male mind-set similar to, let less dramatically than more potent androgens).

In the end, there are many ways to go about increasing one’s strength without affecting bodyweight, but listing a single best cycle is not possible, due to the presence of multiple variables which can impact the ultimate result. The above guidelines are designed to serve only as a reference point as you learn through personal experience and ongoing self-education what works best for you.