
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Effects of Winstrol

The effects of Winstrol are more than welcomed by most performance enhancing athletes. From gains in strength to enhanced and superb conditioning the effects of Winstrol have something for just about everyone. A solid DHT derived anabolic steroid, Winstrol is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used by both men and women, making it one of the most popular anabolic steroids of all time. Of course, this steroid is not without downsides, for if you put something in your body, no matter what it is there's always a potential risk for adverse side-effects. Available in an oral tablet as well as an injectable solution, in either case the hormone is the same, and with responsible use can benefit almost any athlete tremendously.

The Positive Effects of Winstrol

Stanozolol is a powerful Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid most commonly known by the name given to it by its developer Sterling-Winthrop Laboratories as Winstrol. By its nature, Winny, as it is often called is mildly androgenic with a strong anabolic nature that greatly increases nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. While these are two welcomed traits, it is the hormones ability to lower SHBG that makes it special. When SHBG decreases we now have more free testosterone to pull from, and what's more is this hormone has this effect to a higher degree than just about any anabolic steroid.

What does this all mean? Stanozolol is one of the easier anabolic steroids to understand, but how do the positive effects of Winstrol translate to the athlete? Often, when many people think of Stanozolol they think of the 1988 Summer Olympics, when Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson destroyed the competition. Johnson, who won handedly over the favored Carl Lewis tested positive for Stanozolol, and was stripped of his medals, but it was through the use of this hormone by Johnson that we really saw it shine. Put simply, the effects of Winstrol largely surround enhanced strength and performance, and this can be translated into both direct physical strength and speed.

Strength and speed are not the only positive effects of Winstrol, as conditioning is paramount. The vast majority of those who supplement with anabolic steroids do so for visual effects. We're not only referring to physique athletes, but the everyday gym rat, as they make up the majority of performance enhancing athletes. The effects of Winstrol can lend to a harder and more defined physique, as well as one that is more vascular in appearance. By its nature, Stanozolol can greatly preserve lean tissue when calories are restricted, preserve strength that is often lost when dieting, and simply lead to a more pleasing physique looking back from the other side of the mirror.

The Negative Effects of Winstrol

Like all anabolic steroids, Stanozolol is not without downsides. If it's an anabolic steroid there is a potential for adverse reactions, but this does not only apply to anabolic steroids, it applies to anything we put into our body. All medications, from prescriptions to over the counter medications carry significant possible side-effects. Even the foods we eat can cause adverse reactions. Think about it, there are tons of people who cannot take Aspirin or Tylenol, and there are millions who can't drink milk or eat peanuts. Individual response is a huge factor when discussing the effects of absolutely anything.

Beyond individual response, we must also take into account responsibility, and again, we turn to Aspirin. You may indeed be one who responds in a positive fashion to Aspirin, but if you take an entire bottle should you expect to be OK? Of course not, you'll undoubtedly run into some serious problems. Further, as it pertains to negative effects, a key point often neglected is education. Knowing what the adverse effects are can be quite useful, as it allows us to not only combat them, but often to even avoid them. So what are the possible adverse effects of Winstrol, that's the obvious question and they include:

High Cholesterol. If you already suffer from high cholesterol you should avoid the Stanozolol hormone; in-fact, you should avoid most anabolic steroids. If you have a healthy cholesterol level you will want to supplement responsibly to ensure it stays this way. This means avoiding high doses and use far beyond recommended total durations. Further, following a diet that is cholesterol friendly is very important. This is something you should already be doing, but it becomes even more important when supplementing with anabolic steroids. If you're a healthy adult and you can do these things you can avoid the cholesterol related effects of Winstrol.

Liver Toxicity. Winstrol, both the oral and injectable form belong to the C17-aa class of anabolic steroids, and by this nature are toxic to the liver. This nature is necessary to the hormones survival, for without the C17-aa nature the liver would destroy the hormone before the body could use it. When we supplement with Stanozolol our liver values will increase, and they can increase quite substantially. Again, individual response and total dosing will play a large role, but our levels will go up nonetheless. To keep the liver healthy you are encouraged to avoid regular alcohol consumption and any other activity that may cause undue stress to the liver. Even avoiding over the counter medications where you can is advisable, as many over the counter medications are far more toxic to the liver than Winstrol. Further, and this is very important; if you are responsible with your doses, duration of use and live a liver healthy lifestyle, once use is discontinued your liver values will return to normal very quickly, and no permanent damage will be done.

Hair-Loss. As is common with many DHT based anabolic steroids, one of the effects of Winstrol can be hair-loss. If you are predisposed to male-pattern baldness there is a fairly good chance you may lose a little hair. It's important to keep in mind you were going to lose this hair to begin with, the use of Winstrol simply sped the process up. Conversely, if you are not predisposed to male-pattern baldness you will not lose the first hair on your head.

Acne. As is with hair-loss, acne is largely genetically driven. If you are sensitive to acne you will be the one who has the first problem. Those who are not sensitive and who are not using contaminated products should be fine. Further, if you are sensitive there are things you can do to protect yourself. Staying very clean is very important, and if this means taking an extra shower each day then so be it. Moreover, you are encouraged to change your shirt when it becomes sweaty. For example, if you work out and are not showering at the gym, even if you're going to shower as soon as you get home you're going to want to change your shirt before you go home. Staying clean and using clean products will go a long, long way.

Testosterone Suppression. When we supplement with anabolic steroids our natural testosterone production is suppressed. This applies to Winstrol just as it does any steroid. For this reason, most men will need to supplement with testosterone when they supplement with Stanozolol. The form does not matter as long as you're providing the body what it needs. As testosterone production is suppressed testicular atrophy will occur. However, once use is discontinued and all anabolic steroids have cleared your system testosterone production will begin again, and your testicles will return to their normal size.

Virilization (Females). When females supplement with anabolic steroids they run a risk of virilization. Such effects can be very damaging to a woman's femininity and include:

- Deepening of the Vocal Chords

- Body-Hair Growth

- Clitoral Enlargement

- Disrupted Menstrual Cycle

The majority of anabolic steroids will cause such problems in women, but there are a few like Winstrol that can be used without such effects. Make no mistake, Stanozolol can cause these problems, the odds of controlling them are simply low if you are responsible. If a female supplements with Stanozolol and the adverse effects of Winstrol of a virilizing nature occur she should discontinue use immediately. If you discontinue as soon as the symptoms show they will fade away and you'll be fine. If you ignore them they can set up shop permanently.

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