
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

GP T3 (Trijodthyronin, Cytomel) For Bodybuilders

Bodubuilders and athletes have used thyroid hormone to lose weight for a long time. Since the thyroid hormone can cause combustion of fats and carbohydrates, many individuals have utlised this ability to lose weight and to perform better at sports. Liothyronine sodium (Cytomel) has been used by individuals in every type of sport. The thyroid hormone is taken orally for 4-6 weeks and then stopped just a week prior to the event. There is no doubt that Cytomel is a very effective fat burner and enhances exercise performance. Many athletes report that short duration usage of Cytomel can result in loss of weight and increased energy.
While this may be true, the issue becomes very complex because most of these athletes also take a wide variety of other supplements and hormones to lose weight.

Thyroid hormones are naturally synthesized in our body, but since the molecules are not complex, many pharmaceutical companies make the synthetic variety of the hormones. There are two basic types of thyroid hormones - T4 known as levothyroxine and T3 known as liothyronine. Both are manufactured and stored in the thyroid gland.

Thyroid hormone from the pharmaceutical companies are obtained in 2 ways - either derived from animal thyroid gland (bovine or ovine sources) or made synthetic. In the USA, the content and quantity of iodine in the thyroid preparation is well regulated.

Cytomel (liothyronine sodium) is available both as a tablet or the salt of a naturally occuring thyroid hormone. GP T3 is many times more potent that T4. The maximum dose of Cytomel which can be taken without causing side effects is about 100ug/day. Anecdotal data from athletes indicate that it takes anywhere from 6-12 weeks to lose weight with Cytomel. The crucial thing for all users of Cytomel is to understand that when the drug is stopped, most people will have developed a state of thyroid insufficiency because the Cytomel has suppressed the thyroid gland from making the natural hormone.

Bodybuilders stimulate their metabolism with Cytomel, which causes a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Fat-burning is the deciding motive of course. Competing bodybuilders use Cytomel in the weeks leading to a championship since it helps maintain extremely low fat content, without demanding a hunger diet. Athletes on low dosages of Cytomel report that with simultaneous intake of Cytomel with steroids, the steroids become more effective - most likely as the result of the faster conversion of protein.

Cytomel was being used by bodybuilders male and especially female, on a daily basis over several months to remain 'hard' and in good shape throughout the year.

There are bodybuilders who eat fast food and burn it out by taking Cytomel. The over stimulated thyroid burns calories like a blast furnace. Nowadays, Cytomel is being increasingly replaced with Clenbuterol by athletes. Then there are those who combine these two compounds and burn an enormous amount of fat.
So the dose of thyroid hormone should be slowly tapered over a few weeks to months to allow for the thyroid gland to begin working again.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to Know Exactly When It’s Time to Get More Recuperation

To monitor your progress and know when to advance to the next training cycle, monitor your power calculations for compound mass building exercises once per
every four training phases.
Besides the actual power calculation, compare your increases in power from week to week. As soon as a plateau or tapering off of gradual but constant increases in power occurs, it is time to move to the next training frequency cycle.
For example, you currently train in cycle one. You regularly make increases in power of 12- 15 percent every training phase. Then after calculating your current power factor, less than a 5 percent increase in power was made. This is your scientific means of measurement, your signal to advance to training cycle Once you are in training cycle three rarely will more rest help to increase growth.
Remember our goal is to shock your body into explosive muscle growth not just get stronger.

When training plateaus occur in training cycle three, try some of the following techniques to break plateaus:
1. Switch to a high repetition training plan for two weeks.
2. Take a full week or two off from training. (aerobics optional)
3. Increase caloric intake by five hundred calories per day for a week.
4. Cut out any aerobics.

The above techniques assume all these factors are optimal.
Keep in mind that every person is going to progress at different rates. Some
people may gradually increase power by four or five percent every four
phases consistently. A drop of a percent or two is enough to consider more
For other subjects a regular power factor increase of 10 percent is normal.
For these individuals a drop to 5 percent is a signal to move to the next
training cycle.
For all subjects more experience will result in power factor increasing more
gradual over time. As you become more experienced do not be discouraged
with smaller percentage increments of three or four percent.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

A Crash Course on What You Need to Know When Working Out For

Shocking Your Body into Explosive Growth Spurts!

Here is a crash course on some basics for you to get the most out of your workout. It is true that you are just going to the gym to hoist around weights!
Basically yes, the more you lift the bigger your muscles grow but it is not so simple! Lifting too much for your current condition can lead to overtraining and no gains what so ever! As a matter of fact this may have already happened to you! When you are working out you need to consistently push yourself strategically to allow your body to adapt to the increasing stress you are placing on it.Look at the following flow chart to understand the muscle building process:

Stress muscles (weight training) + Recovery (rest + nutrition) = Growth

This flow chart seems pretty simple and is. What makes shocking your body into an explosive growth spurt so tricky is that every person is different! No two people respond the same to weight training or recover the same. The whole secret to really exploding muscle growth is to figure out your recovery frequency.
Most programs simply prescribe a set structure which does not change but remains the same regardless of your level of fitness. This probably accounts for why most natural training athletes fail. Your muscles must be fully recovered from your previous workout in order to make your best progress. The amount of time required for you to fully recover
increases as your ability to train more intense with heavier weights increases.
So as you get stronger and bigger you will need to figure out how to stress you muscles harder to keep growing. As you train your muscles harder you will require more recovery time as well. Otherwise as you increase training intensity and weight you need to increase your recovery time.
At a certain point the amount of rest required will not be any greater no matter how heavy and intense you train.