
Monday, November 25, 2013

Why Bodybuilders Use HGH And Peptides

GHRP-2, is a synthetic, hexapeptide that has some very potent properties. It is in the class of growth hormone releasing peptides (GHRPs), which act on the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, to release growth hormone, by appearing through the endogenous ghrelin receptor. It is considered one of the few healthcare means that can be able to reverse the aging effects in adults who are deficient of the growth hormone.

GHRP-2 is known to encourage appetite and hunger. It does this by stimulating the release of Ghrelin, which is also a peptide observed in the stomach, that advertises urge for food and gastric emptying. GHPR-2 is also used for a range of other medical issues, which include, correcting low growth hormone production, and also promoting excess weight gain in the abnormally thin individuals.

GHRP user may report strength raise and improved muscle mass. This is along a much better overall sense of well being and decreased body fat. Neurons are also affected in the same method as they would be by steroids, causing a significant strength raise. For someone who has previously used artificial development hormone, slowing the body's natural production of the same, this peptide can be used to activate the natural production of this growth hormone.

This peptide is also a very suitable compound to use if one is nursing and rehabilitating injuries. It has been shown, clinically, to have a very good effect on connective tissues and tendons regeneration and strengthening. Depending on one's goals, a person may use between 100 - 600mcg per day. For instance, a person looking for some slight raise in sleep quality, or joint and tendon improvement, may stick towards the lower end of this dosage amount. Alternatively, a person seeking to use this peptide for its mass and muscle building effects may ramp up the dosage considerably.

Other benefits of using GHRP-2 include improved sex dr and desire, stomach fat decrease, enhanced energy and vitality, improved skin elasticity and lines elimination. There is also boostd endurance, heart strengthening, enhanced immune system, improved eye sight and vision, increased protein synthesis, enhanced bone density as a consequence of boostd lime scale retention (which also increases bone strength and mineralization), reduced glucose uptake in the liver organ, better liver glucogenesis, and contribution in the direction of pancreatic islets maintenance and function, among others. You can get peptide GHRP-2 online at - we provide the bodybuiding and performance enhancing community top of the line service with products and reliability that you can trust.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Peptide Hormones: Insulin

Insulin is produced in the beta cells of the pancreas from a larger peptide called preproinsulin. Endogenous insulin has a half-life of three to five minutes and the pancreas secretes about 40 to 50 units of insulin per day in normal adults. Insulin secretion is stimulated in response to feeding with glucose being the strongest stimulator. Insulin binds to a cell surface receptor resulting in increased glucose and amino acid transport through the cell membrane and glycogen and lipid synthesis and storage. This is accomplished through the increased movement of Glut4 molecules to the surface of the cell membrane. Glut4 is the main transporter of glucose across cell membranes into cells. Insulin also binds to the type 1 IGF receptor which results in growth stimulating effects in muscle cells.

Insulin is the main “storage” hormone and is very anabolic as well as anti-catabolic. In addition to increasing glycogen and lipid synthesis and storage, insulin also promotes protein synthesis in skeletal muscle and promotes glycogen storage by increasing glucose transport in skeletal muscle cells.

Insulin and insulin syringes are available in many states without a prescription making insulin a more available anabolic hormone than AAS. That being said, the dangers of insulin are immediate and potentially deadly. Insulin can produce in a state of severe hypoglycemia that can result in coma or death with a matter of minutes. In addition, insulin resistance will occur over time in healthy individuals using insulin. While this risk is down-played by users and on boards discussing insulin, it should be considered a very real risk. Though insulin is highly anabolic in skeletal muscle, it is also very anabolic in adipose tissue. This can result in increases in body fat, especially when used in high doses on its own. Often insulin is combined with growth hormone to take advantage of growth hormone’s fat burning ability and to combat the decrease in insulin sensitivity with GH. IGF-1 is sometimes combined with insulin (and GH) but this increases the risk of hypoglycemia.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Anabolic Steroid Basics for Beginners

You must understand esters. Esters are attached to AAS compounds. The ester acts as a kind of time releasing vehicle. Esters are broken down in the blood stream and thus the AAS compound is freed. Long-acting esters slowly break down, and fast-acting esters break down more rapidly. Half-life describes this occurrence.
Common Ester names in no particular order:
There are blends, or mixtures of tests each with their own ester. These are mutli-esterified. An example is Sustanon 250, Omnadren 250, and Aratest.

Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA):
Secondly you must understand the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis and the affect Anabolic Androgenic steroids has on your HPTA. The use of AAS has a negative affect on your HPTA, which I'll put in simple terms. For a detailed explanation see the following link:

The body is always looking to establish homeostasis, a balance in the body. Upon the introduction of AAS to the body, you begin to reduce your own production. Some AAS compounds are harsher to your HPTA and shut your natural production down hard. A rebound from this shutdown is taxing on the body upon discontinuing use of AAS. Other compounds must be used to help the body return to homeostasis.
The compounds that are harsh on your HPTA will also be harsh on your libido; your sexual drive, and for men can result in a limp penis.
Such compounds that are harsh on the HPTA are:
Trenbolone (fina)
It is therefore, advisable for at least the sakes of sex, to keep Testosterone as a base for any AAS cycle.

Testosterone as a base:
There are limits to the length of cycle use. When you being AAS use, it takes time for the body to 'swap' its natural testosterone with the synthetic compound. The times vary with the particular ester used. However a short AAS cycle will most likely only result in a shut down of HPTA and not leave the body exposed to the synthetic testosterone long enough for positive gains. Too long of a cycle, and your suppressed HPTA will have a harder time recovering.
Further, the body can develop more or less immunities to AAS on cycles ran too long and cycles ran at too high of a dose.
Secondly, the body has limits for how much it can grow. A longer, higher dosed cycle will not be more effective simply because of the body's tolerance and limited ability to grow.
My own guideline for a first and second time user is any cycle ran less than 8 weeks is too short; any cycle ran longer than 15 weeks is excessive. 10-14 weeks is a good range for a first and second time user.

Estrogen levels will be elevated during the use of AAS. Remember Homeostasis. Application of either anti-estrogen or anti-aromatizer.

The body has AS receptors and estrogen receptors. Your goal in using AAS is to flood the AS receptors. Your goal is not to flood the estrogen receptors.
How an anti-estrogen works is that it attaches itself to the estrogen receptors so that estrogen will not. Therefore the estrogen remains free floating in your blood stream but unable to leech onto the receptors and take action.
How and anti-aromatizer works is that it prevents the aromatization of steroids. It prevents the compounds conversion into estrogen. This however has the ability to weaken the effect of the steroid compound.
Zero estrogen is not desirable. Some estrogen is necessary, but too much can cause complications such as gynocomastia (man boobies) and water retention to name a few.

Common side effects while on Anabolic Steroids:
Users may experience a number of side effects due to increased synthetic testosterone levels as well as due to increased estrogen levels.
 Cardiovascular complications: High blood pressure can result from use of AAS and with heart problems should seek medical consultation. Combined water/sodium retention and the fact that steroids actually can elevate the cholesterol and triglyceride levels gives explanation to this condition. It is also why some athletes experience a reduction in stamina.
 Acne may result from AAS use, but can be combated a number of ways that should be researched.
 Aggression may also increase while on AAS, however some experience this aggression during high exertion activities, and will otherwise feel somewhat lethargic. Feelings of lethargy, sleepiness throughout the day while on AAS may result. This will be largely affected by the amount of physical activity performed throughout the day.
 hair loss on the scalp can occur. This condition, as with the others, is dependent on the individual. Certain individuals predisposed to premature hair loss may be at a greater risk for this side effect.
 Hair gain, or activation of hair follicles on the body may also occur. Hair follicles on the chest, back, arms and other places may be stimulated.
 Certain steroids are I 7-alpha alky-lated and are toxic to the liver. It is important to note this and limit intake of foods and beverages that will also be strenuous on the liver.
 As previously noted, AAS use will result in a reduced testosterone production, a decreased spermatogenesis, and in some cases testicular atrophy. The degree of suppression depends on the duration of the steroid intake, the administered steroid, and the dosage of the steroid
 Most steroids cause a water and electrolyte imbalance in the body This results in an increased storage of water and sodium which further results in a swelling of tissue (edema)
 Gastrointestinal symptoms such as epigastric fullness, diarrhea, nausea or even vomiting may result and are associated solely with the use of oral, I 7-alpha alkylated steroids. The oral compounds can be administered with food to reduce these side effects.
 Feminization may result in males if estrogen levels are not kept in check. The most popular feminization side effect of estrogen is gynocomastia.
 Females may experience masculinization effects.
 Kidney complications: The kidneys are under more strain during steroid intake. They are involved in the filtration and excretion of toxic by-products. A high blood pressure as well as variations in the water and electrolyte balance of the body can lead to long-term changes in the kidney's function.
There may be more side effects not listed. All side effects should be researched and understood. There are ways to alleviate some of the symptoms. Remedies and counter-actions should be researched before use of AAS.