
Friday, November 21, 2014

Anabolic Steroids and Fat Loss: proper manipulation for best results

Individuals who want to cut down on body fat should conduct aerobic training 4 to 5 times a week (running on a track, cycling, jogging) at least 35 to 45 minutes without rest, in zone of 55-70% of maximum heart rate, because this burns fat.

Why at least 45 minutes? Because this is the time necessary for your body to activate enzymes that transform fat into energy!

It is known that carnitine has different roles, most popular one being ability to transport fats through cell membranes to mitochondria, where fat is used as energy source.

Pyruvate enhances metabolism and improves thermogenesis, thus helping fat burning in body, if taken just before you star aerobic training. Many body-builders also use steroids to speed-up this process of fat loss.

Which anabolic steroids to use?

In the world of anabolic steroids, there are numerous different choices, which make your personal choice very difficult.

Which steroid to choose to achieve the best result? Inexperienced users often combine different steroids in dosages of more than 100 mg per day, for weeks and months without break.

This is medically unnecessary and excessive testosterone use that creates testosterone level far above the normal in the body of health, grown man. This can lead to number of difficult side-effects and cause health problems.

One of most serious problems is liver damage that can be caused by oral steroid use. Other possible serious problem of steroid (ab)use is increased level of cholesterol and subsequent heart attack, or significant sexual changes.

Obviously, knowledge and research is mandatory before you start taking any anabolic steroid. In our experience, top ten of most popular steroids among body-builders and athletes, are:

    Sustanon 250
    Teststerone cypionate
    Testosterone enanthate

Cutting cycles

It is difficult to say that there is one perfect cycle to apply with steroids, because different types of athletes have successfully used different steroid cycles.

There are few things you have to keep in mind when you consider using steroids. For one, you have to train hard and regularly, while also applying perfect nutritional diet.

For a beginner, one of great cycles would be to combine Decadurabolan  (use 200-400mg per week for 2 months straight) and Sustanon 250 OR Testaviron depot (use 500mg per week for 2 months as well).

Deca will enable you to build muscle mass, while Sustanon or Testaviron will enable you to lose fat. Again, high-quality nutrition is the key for your success in achieving both of the goals: fat loss and muscle gain.

If this cycle works great for you, you can prolong it for another 2 or 4 weeks. After you finish with cycle, make sure to use Clomid to bring back hormones in level post-cycle. Use Clomid for 10 to 14 days after you finish cycle.

Use a balanced combination

In order to achieve good fat loss results, as seen above, you have to choose effective steroid combination and stick to it. If you control estradiol level with antiaromatase or combine Dianabol with testosterone, you will achieve your goal.

Balanced combination will be the one where you combine non-aromatizing and aromatizing steroids in amount of up to 400 mg weekly.

Are you unsure about what steroids aromatisation suppose? Read this post to find clearly explained information about steroids aromatisation: What is steroid aromatization

Dosage counts

Athletes can achieve different results when it comes to fat loss and muscle gain, but it is difficult to attribute it to particular steroid cycle. It is possible that individual steroid dosage in combination can make difference.

So if you want to see superior result in short time so take 50 mg/day Trenbolone acetate that will help you in getting better cutting result of your stiff.


It can be concluded that individual steroid will not bring more fat loss than the other, but that the key is in combination, if you are seeking faster and more obvious results in certain timeframe.

While working on achieving results in fat loss and muscle gain, it is also important to care for decrease of negative side-effects (gynecomastia or sexual problems). Dosage can also make a difference in combination in cycle, and every cycle should be observed individually.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The difference between oral and injectable Winstrol

Winstrol is a DHT steroids that can be found in both forms: oral and injectable. It is highly admired for its abilities to burn fat and extra weight effectively while retaining body mass. It’s a derivative of testosterone, and as so it is expected to present good bulking effects, but you will not have such a pleasure with it. Whether it’s oral Winstrol or Winstrol Depot (injectable form) is not entitled to look for muscle gains as their structure was changed in way that deprive them from this function.

Winstrol is usually a great addition to any steroid cycle, as aside of its fat burning abilities, it also increases the amount of free testosterone in the body that may further increase the potency of other concurrently used anabolics. Since it is a DHT, it doesn’t aromatize, so it doesn’t water retention, bloating, gyno or other side effects associated with high level of estrogen in the body. Winstrol is largely used for its dry, shredded effect on body which is achieved mainly due to its antiestrogenic effects.

It may seem that whatever form of Winstrol you take you should wait for the same results. From technical standpoint, it is so since both forms deliver, in some wise, the same results and even have the same bad effect on your liver. With the minor difference that oral Winstrol is far more liver toxic, while Winstrol Depot is less since it enter the bloodstream directly. Winstrol is the single one steroid which in both forms display the same effects on body.

The difference between oral injectable Winstrol rely on how and when they are metabolized. Oral Winstrol has designed in a such way that it could pass the liver and gut and get in the bloodstream in a sizeable amount. For this purpose to its structure was added an c17 methylation which don’t let the liver metabolize the drug uterry. However, the degree of drug absorption by intestines and liver is different, as well as this process differ from one person to another.

Don’t imagine once oral Winstrol pass the first pass and get into bloodstream the whole process of absorption is over. The drug circulates in the blood until its is catched by another tissue and push to liver again. Further it has to pass the second time liver pitching, and chances are that the active amount of drugs is significantly reduced once again.
From this perspective, injectable steroid is much more effective as it enter the bloodstream directly and undergo only the second pass while oral form has to do it twice.

Aside of this, injectable Winstrol increases the nitrogen retention every time it is taken. Since an increase in nitrogen retention is directly related to muscle mass gain, is correctly to suppose that namely injectable winstrol is able to promote faster and effective muscle gain even in that modest amount.

Why to choose oral Winstrol for your cycle
With all the advantages of Winstrol Depot occur the question: why users will risk with Oral Winstrol? What makes it irreplaceable? It may sound trivial, but all those who fear needless found oral Winstrol a good alternative to injectable one. You have to know, that there are some other very important traits that makes oral Winstrol a good addition to your stack.

Oral Winstrol have good synergetic effect, being able to increase the potency of other anabolics taken concomitantly at several times. This is possible due to the influence it has on Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), a glycoprotein found in the liver. Its function is to convey the testosterone throughout the body, but it has the bad habit to bound to the testosterone and prevent it from its anabolic functions.

Since oral steroid have to pass through the liver it interacts with SHBG and have an unexpected effect on it: it lowering it as no other steroidi is able to do. This way, oral winstrol “ save” big amounts of testosterone and let the m work. The lower is the SHBG, the higher is the anabolic activity of testosterone. At a dosage of only 2 mg of oral Winstrol for each body weight, the SHBG is reduced to almost fifty percent.

The same effect would not be possible to achieve with injectable Winstrol. The reason is that injectable Winstrol primarily got in the bloodstream and only after this pass the liver and has the possibility to interact with SHBG. Oral Winstrol do it in first instance, and manage to get control of SHBG right from the beginning.

In general, orally taken steroid have a greater impact on SHBG than injectable ones. Not in vain we are advised to stack an oral and an injectable steroid for better results and safe use.

Winstrol for women: oral or injectable? If for men oral winstrol use is beneficial as it lowers SHBG, hence free up more testosterone, the same effect is not wanted in women. The more testosterone is available in women body, the higher chances to develop virilization features.

And yes, you can even drink Winstrol Depot as it is the same as oral, it’s just micronized Stanozolol powder suspended in water.