
Friday, February 28, 2014

Properties of Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin is the trade name for the injectable anabolic steroid Nandrolone Decanoate. It is simply the anabolic steroid Nandrolone with the long ester Decanoate attached to it in order to augment release times and the half-life of the drug. Other formats of Nandrolone exist as well, such as Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, also known by its trade name Durabolin or NPP (Nandrolone with a Phenylpropionate ester attached). However, ‘Deca’ as it is colloquially known, is the most common and most popular form of Nandrolone.

Properties of Deca Durabolin

Nandrolone is a stronger anabolic steroid than Testosterone, but not by a great deal. Nandrolone possesses an anabolic rating of 125, while Testosterone holds an anabolic rating of 100. Nandrolone’s favorability lies in its very low androgenic rating of 37, while Testosterone holds an androgenic rating of 100 – quite significant compared to the androgenic strength of Nandrolone. The lower androgenic activity of Nandrolone is due in large part to the fact that Nandrolone converts into Dihydronandrolone, which is known to be a much less potent androgen. Nandrolone possesses very low Estrogenic activity and binds very poorly with the aromatase enzyme, which is the enzyme responsible for the conversion of androgens into Estrogen. It is estimated that only approximately 20% of Nandrolone is converted into Estrogen in comparison with Testosterone’s conversion rates[2]. This is due in very large part to the fact that Nandrolone is a Progestin (as are all 19-nor compounds)[3]. The other major factor in this is the fact that Nandrolone can undergo Estrogen conversion in the liver, but other locations where there is a high rate of Estrogen conversion (such as fat tissue), Nandrolone is quite resistant[4]. Progestins are very resistant to Estrogen conversion, but the fact that Nandrolone is a Progestin presents various issues itself.

Nandrolone lacks the 19th carbon that Testosterone possesses, which makes it a Progestin and it has been demonstrated that 19-nor anabolic steroids tend to exhibit binding affinity for the Progesterone receptors in the body[5]. As mentioned above, this presents some issues that are not commonly seen with other anabolic steroids that are not Progestins. Nandrolone is considered to possess moderate Progestogenic activity. Progestogenic side effects are almost identical to Estrogenic side effects, and they include: severe endogenous Testosterone production shutdown/suppression, gynecomastia, and water retention. It has been discovered that the activity of Progestins is closely correlated with the activity of Estrogen in the body. There also exist some side effects associated with Progestins that are not seen in other anabolic steroids.

19-nors being Progestogenic compounds are known to increase a hormone in the body known as Prolactin. Prolactin levels above normal in men often results in side effects such as lactating nipples, erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia (inability to achieve orgasm) and endogenous Testosterone production suppression/shutdown. An interesting point to learn is the fact that Progesterone itself is known to inhibit Prolactin production, and that 19-nors such as Nandrolone and Trenbolone being classified as Progestins should serve to actually suppress Prolactin levels. However, this is not the case as Nandrolone and Trenbolone are not Progesterone themselves – they are anabolic steroids that exhibit Progestogenic activity due to their chemical modifications and it is therefore very possible for these hormones to exhibit activity that is contrary to the activity of a similar hormone or parent hormone. It has been found that Nandrolone and Trenbolone can and do in fact increase Prolactin levels in the body.

Prolactin increases can be controlled either with the use of Prolactin antagonist drugs (such as Cabergoline or Pramipexole), however, prevention of rising Estrogen levels are also an effective method. For one thing, it is strongly speculated that the Estrogen in fact serves as a co-binding factor in the Prolactin receptor expression (PRLR). This can increase an individual’s sensitivity to Prolactin even if Prolactin levels themselves are not high in the body. This is a very sound theory when it is understood that the Estrogen receptor is a causative factor in Prolactin issues. Therefore, controlling Estrogen levels should control the effects of Prolactin. This is the number one reason why the side effects associated with 19-nor compounds (such as Nandrolone and Trenbolone) are frequently reported to be far more pronounced and with greater severity when they are used in a high Estrogen environment (whether it is from stacking Nandrolone or Trenbolone with high aromatizable doses of an aromatizable compound, such as Testosterone or otherwise).

It is because of the Progestogenic nature of Nandrolone that it is known to produce severe endogenous natural Testosterone production suppression and shutdown. Therefore, it is recommended that at all times whenever using Deca-Durabolin in a cycle that Testosterone be utilized with it in order to maintain normal physiological function of Testosterone in an environment in which natural Testosterone production has halted or been severely lowered.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Testosterone Cypionate by Accordo RX

Testosterone Cypionate is one of the most popular forms of testosterone the world over and the most commonly used testosterone in hormone replacement therapy in the United States. A very powerful anabolic and androgenic hormone, Testosterone Cypionate is equal in both regards and is one of the most efficient and effective hormones we can use for almost any purpose. To understand Testosterone Cypionate we only need to understand the hormone testosterone and once we do we can understand how the various esters available, in this case Cypionate affect its mode of action.

Testosterone is a hormone naturally produced by both men and women responsible for a host of functions; most notably muscle and bone growth, regeneration and male sexual characteristics. While men produce nearly ten times as much testosterone as women both require adequate amounts of this androgen class hormone in order to maintain a proper endocrine system. For those who suffer from low levels of testosterone, as Testosterone Cypionate by Accordo RX is a pure form of testosterone it is often used to combat this condition and return levels to a more suitable level. Those who suffer from low testosterone levels commonly find their libido to be reduced, fat gain and muscle loss to occur, as well as immune system deficiencies and even depression. As you can easily see testosterone is a very important hormone and with its many functions, when we increase levels beyond a normal range, as is the purposes in performance enhancing we effectively increase the attributes associated with this powerful anabolic androgenic steroid.

By its mode of action Testosterone Cypionate increases both nitrogen retention in the muscles as well a protein synthesis; increases red blood cell mass and blocks and reduces muscle wasting hormones such as cortisol. Further, by its ability to increase IGF 1 production in the body, Testosterone Cypionate becomes even more anabolic in effect when administered in a fashion that increases levels to a performance enhancing range.

As a testosterone based hormone attached to the Cypionate ester, Testosterone Cypionate has a half-life of approximately 12 days. This is a fairly long half-life and is generally the longest half-life of any commonly used single ester form of testosterone. Because it has a long ester attached in the Cypionate form the effects of this steroid will last a very long time; for example, 200mg of Testosterone Cypionate will yield an active 100mg of testosterone even 12 days after the last injection; of course assuming one is administering the hormone more often than every 12 days the total amount will be much higher but vary depending on the total dose.
The Benefits of Testosterone Cypionate

The benefits of Testosterone Cypionate are truly immense and provide every trait one would be after through the use of anabolic steroids. By its mode of action Testosterone Cypionate has the ability to increase both strength and size to a large degree which is by-in-large the principle desire of any anabolic steroid user. Further, because increased lean tissue improves our metabolic rate and because Testosterone Cypionate affects muscle wasting hormones in a positive manner body-fat is often reduced when the steroid is used.

You need to understand, using Testosterone Cypionate will not automatically lead you to gaining massive amounts of muscle tissue on its own; if a large muscular physique is what you are after you have to feed it but by doing so in conjunction with testosterone therapy we increase the efficiency of the food we are eating which can lead to a more muscular physique. Further, in the same light yet in the opposite direction, those who are after a leaner physique find Testosterone Cypionate to be a perfect choice as its mode of action aids in preserving lean muscle mass when on a calorie restricted diet. Plus, when dieting, the more muscle mass we can hold onto the greater our metabolic rate will be, the greater our fat-loss will be and the more pleasing our physique will be in the end.

The Side-Effects of Testosterone Cypionate

All medications, hormones and non-hormones, steroidal and non-steroidal alike carry with them the possibility of negative side-effects, even Aspirin and Testosterone Cypionate makes no exception. However, when used by healthy adult men and when used responsibly many of these side effects can largely be avoided and the individual will only enjoy the positive benefits.

The most common side-effects brought on by Testosterone Cypionate are of an estrogenic nature. Testosterone will convert to estrogen through the aromatase process and can bring about such negative effects such as Gynecomastia, water retention, blood pressure and cholesterol issues to name a few. Further, while we can largely prevent these side-effects from occurring there is one side-effect that is assured; testicular atrophy. When we administer Testosterone Cypionate we are taking in a synthetic testosterone and by doing so our body no longer requires its own natural production. Since testosterone is produced in the testicles, once production comes to a halt the testicles shrink; however, once use is discontinued and production begins again they will return to their normal size.

There is a strong risk to reward ratio in play when using Testosterone Cypionate and generally all anabolic steroids; the more you use the greater the benefit but the more you use the greater the risks. While this is a reality, regardless of the amounts you use there are things we can do to avoid nasty side-effects brought on by the aromatase process. The use of an aromatase inhibitor (AI) will greatly reduce your chances of Gynecomastia and will greatly aid in unwanted water retention; further, as controlling estrogen in this manner will aid in keeping cholesterol and blood pressure stable it really doesn’t make any sense not to use an AI. However, even with an AI water retention will occur in those who eat more carbohydrates than they need; this is mentioned simply because many blame testosterone on their water retention when bulking when the truth is they are simply overeating. Further, through sound dieting principles, even when bulking, supplementing with fatty acids can largely control your cholesterol and is strongly advised if testosterone is going to be used.