
Monday, December 22, 2014

Short steroid cycle: good gains, less sides.

A weight training program helps in a faster development of your muscles especially if you are taking anabolic steroids. These drugs help to increase blood flow and nutrients to the exercising muscle groups.

Weight training schedule involves the following:
- Identifying the muscle groups you want to develop. Bodybuilders often prefer to develop varying group of muscles more than others.
– Choosing the group of exercises suitable for the muscle groups identified in previous step. Different muscle groups require different exercises to help them grow and should be chosen carefully.
– Creating a weight training schedule. Choose an initial weight you are comfortable with and slowly increase it to optimize the stress over your muscles.
– Keep increasing the weight, reps or sets to achieve the desired result.
These steps are generally used in a typical weight training schedule. In order to speed up the process using a weight training program, anabolic steroids can be used.
There are various forms of cycles in which steroids can be used such as a short and a long cycle. In a short  steroid cycle, steroids are taken for two weeks and discontinued for two or four weeks.
In a long cycle, steroids are taken for eight weeks or so and discontinued for a few weeks after that. These are a typical example of short and long cycles and may vary from trainer to trainer.

How to incorporate steroids into a short cycle?
Using anabolic steroids and exercises in a concert will help build your muscles in a speedy and safe way without any hindrance to your day to day life.
It is of utmost importance that the weight training program is carefully matched to your steroid intake to derive maximum benefits. The following will explain how you can safely incorporate steroids into your weight training schedule:

Choose your muscle groups, exercises and weight
As described above, these basic steps remain the same for your training. Start your training with the chosen weights.

Start anabolic steroids
Intake of steroids for a short period of two weeks helps increase testosterone in your blood. Testosterone increases blood flow and nutrients to the muscle groups and helps them grow. Continue taking steroids for two weeks.

Increase the stress
After starting the anabolic steroids, start increasing your weight by a small increment of around 5%. You cannot increase the weight indefinitely but you can reach your maximum limit.

You can keep your reps same and reduce the number of sets to avoid over stressing the muscles. You will still be able to reach a higher stress level and weight.
For example, you can start at 2×9 at 100 lb and with each further week drop a rep and add 10 lb. You finish at 2×3 at 180 lb, which is a 10 lb improvement on your start.

Variation in timing of steroid use
The two weeks that the steroid is to be taken can also be varied.
You can start your training and start steroid intake to aid in the increments of weight and then actually increase to your maximum weight/reps. For example, start use in the 6-rep week and continue through the 3-rep week.
Another option is to take steroids in only the weeks with maximum weight and reps and discontinuing in the rest of the weeks to provide a steroid free environment to your body.
For example, steroid use can start in the 6-rep week and end in the 4-rep week, which provides a 3-on /4-off pattern.

Buttom Line
Incorporating steroids in your short weight training cycle is requires a pre-planned schedule with emphasis on the result that you desire. It is always advisable to take professional help when planning your training schedule.

Monday, December 15, 2014

What anabolic steroids can be used for joints or ligaments injuries

Pain in the ligaments, joints or tendons is one of the common problems experienced by many of bodybuilders. Either this comes as a result of training injury or of overtraining, going further with your exercising routine is quite difficult in some cases. The body has the ability to heal itself through blood nutrition. But compare to muscles where blood get in high quantity, ligaments and joints are not as well fluidized, thus they require more time to heal. That’s many of those who use body performance enhancers ask about if these compounds can be used for rehabbing joints or ligaments too. Aside of increasing protein synthesis, anabolic steroids elevates the number of red blood cells and stimulates large volume of blood. This means that it has great healing effect not only on muscle tissue but also on ligaments and joints too.

There are anabolic steroids which carry anti-inflammatory function too. To be clear do not confound this category of drugs with corticosteroids, which have on base cortisol. The last one is produced naturally by our body and its function is to heal it. The main drawback is that corticosteroids eat soft tissue of the affected area, thereby along with rehabbing you lose muscle mass to. None of bodybuilders who train hard to pack on would like to use corticosteroids to get rid of pain with the risk lose a big percentage of gains. They are as careful to corticosteroids use as they are when it comes to their nutrition and workout routine. That’s why corticosteroids can be easily used by those who do not carry about each pounds they have.

We can not about a wide list of anabolics which can be use for healing soft tissue. There are mainly two steroids that are largely used for their great anti-inflammatory effects.  It is about Nandrolone, more commonly known as Deca durabolin and Boldenone, known as Equipoise.

Deca durabolin (nandrolone decanoate)
Deca durabolin is a mild steroids, which aromatase in slow degree while increase nitrogen level significantly. But not these functions interested us. The miraculous way Deca reduce inflammation is what every steroids user should now, despite the way it action is not very clearly. What we know is that Deca either interfere with cortisol, or work alone as an anti-inflammatory. The first version is less probable, since cortisol is an anti-inflammatory and there is no need for Deca to block its action. More likely Deca acts as an anti-inflammatory, which doesn’t eat the soft tissue of affected area and do not even weakness the surrounding area as cortisol do. In the contrary, it can strengthen when it is used properly.

Cortisol is the hormone which trigger catabolic process, during which the muscle tissue is broken down into molecules. It usually occurs right after workouts or in the morning, after you stand up. Bodybuilders try to minimize the catabolic process by taking carbs which are best sources of energy.

With Deca you will not experienced such unwanted side effects like hair loss, acne, prostate growth or others so common for most of anabolic steroids. However, there is one point you have to pay attention on, it significantly reduce your sex drive, especially when taking in high doses.  Deca has to be mixed with an androgenic steroid to keep the hormone level into normal parametres. If you go with a dosage higher than 500 mg, than you have to increase the testosterone or dianabol dosage too.  For healing effect, you can take Deca in minimal doses.

Equipoise (Boldenone)
Equipoise is a veterinary steroid largely used for either bulking or cutting. It was designed to be administered in horses, but gain a good place in human use too. Equipoise has not a direct anti-inflammatory property as Deca has, but it still can improve the overall body healing rate and soft tissue in special. This is because Equipoise elevates the blood red cells numbers and the blood volume, allowing for tissues that are usually not very well fluidized to get most of the nutrients and oxygen. Since nitrogen retention is also increased, the all body has the better conditions to rehab faster.

Equipoise is a mild steroid which aromatize in a low degree, hence you can face water retention problems. This gear increased appetite, which is great for bulking cycles, but quite problematic when looking to cut down fat. When taking for rehabbing purpose the dosage should be lower than for muscle building, so you can consider a dosage of 400 mg weekly.

What else to take during rehabilitation

When taking anabolic steroids for rehabilitation make sure you add some vitamin C to your cycle to speed up the heal process. Also, adding some glucosamine or chondroitin to your cycle is beneficial too. These are anti inflammatory drugs which reduce pain. Drinking a lot of water for keeping your body well hydrated is what you should follow to.

Everybody can get injured while working out. Paying a big attention to proper technique of exercises execution and choosing the weights you train with according to your body abilities are based methods to keep you safe. But if it happens and you begin to feel pain in your soft tissue than it’s time to think about it. Do not continue with your training if pain is very strong. Take some time and do a visit to your physician.

You can use some drugs that are great pain reliefs. If you are working intensively on building muscle mass or getting ripped, than no corticosteroids are advised for use. The main reason is that this drug contains huge amounts of cortisol, the hormone responsible for catabolic process. Thereby, despite of its antiinflammatory effects, cortisol eats soft tissue and weakness the muscles of the affected area. So, be careful when taking it if your goal is to get massive.

An alternative are anabolic steroids like Deca durabolin and Equipoise, which proved to have good healing effects. They contribute to overall body healing process. Taken these steroids don’t mean that you get your ligaments, joints healed immediately. It already takes time, but much less when using them.

Both Deca and Equipoise increase the number of blood red cells and the blood volume, feeding all muscles cells with more oxygen and nutrients. Regarding the dosage to take them, than it should be slightly lower than in case of bulking cycle. You can stack them adding testosterone too, for keeping the testosterone level in normal limits.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Can You Just do Trenbolone?

This has become an increasingly common question amongst body builders, weight lifters and athletes who run cycles of Trenbolone and different anabolic steroids. With much advertised listings of various side-effects and warning labels posted on the bottles, these steroids remain quite popular amongst fitness enthusiasts. This is because they have managed to run these steroids in cycles that are not very detrimental to health or have altered its use with other safer steroids so that the side effects can be balanced.

But before we get to the topic of whether or not Trenbolone can be used alone, it becomes imperative to explain to everyone what Trenbolone is, how it can be used and what side effects can result from its usage.

What is Trenbolone?

Trenbolone is a notable anabolic-androgenic steroid which means that not only does this steroid aim at building tissue and muscle mass; it also aggravates and enhances the various masculine characteristics, like the deepening of voice, increase in body and facial hair. Anabolic steroids have been known to boost appetite and bone growth but exact findings have not been confirmed regarding Trenbolone as it is by far the strongest steroid for muscle boosting yet.

In fact, Trenbolone has never achieved the status of an FDA approved steroid or drug for humans. It was created in the labs solely for veterinary purposes. The drug was injected under the skin of cattle to promote muscle mass effectively. However the potential it carried as an anabolic steroid was soon recognized and body builders started its use as one of the most effective and powerful boosters of muscular strength and muscular mass, even though its side effects have been confirmed as more pronounced and severer.

How is Trenbolone Administered?

Because Trenbolone was meant for use amongst animals, it was not readily available in injectable form for humans. Therefore, people would convert the tablets or capsules into a rough injectable form themselves. This manner was undoubtedly crude and rough and carried a dangerous potential as it was not sterile, nor safe.

Nonetheless, with its increased usage, certain underground labs (UGLs) started manufacturing the Trenbolone in sterile injectable forms for use amongst humans. The usual vial dosage of Trenbolone comes in 67mg/ml to 250mg/ml. That being said, it is also true that even today, an athlete or body builder will not be able to find pharmaceutical grade Trenbolone.

What is Trenbolone More Commonly Known As?

The pharmaceutical names of Trenbolone are,

    Trenbolone Acetate

The most common street names of Trenbolone are,


The common brand names are,

    Finaplix and

Uses of Trenbolone

The regular use of Trenbolone will not only result in rapid gain in muscle sizebut also in muscle strength. However, if it is not run in cutting cycles, it can also cause hardening of muscles and may even result in a change in body’s composition.

As it becomes responsible of building lean mass, it also generates the loss of fat. However, excessive use in women for this purpose alone should be prohibited as it is highly androgenic in nature and would surely result in masculine characteristics.

Warnings and Side-Effects

Excessive and disproportioned use of steroids easily leads to side-effects, many of which are non-reversible and serious; but there are some that are specific to overuse or wrong use of Trenbolone. In fact certain side-effects are bound to show up even with regular and light dosage of Trenbolone and these include, over sweating, insomnia, acne and notable decrease in cardiovascular capability. For this reason it is not recommended for those athletes who are involved in cardiovascular fitness training. Some other, rather commonly observed, side-effects are hair loss, high water retention, aggressive behaviour, overgrown testicles and extremely oily skin.

Should Trenbolone be Used Alone?

The general consensus of using Tren alone is that it can result in some undesirable effects; the most common one being affected libido. Your libido will come crashing down with Tren-alone cycles. Similarly, fierce acne has resulted in numerous users and this is not limited to face or some parts of back, but severe acne bursts have been seen on chest, arms, face and whole of back. The use of testosterone, or even HCG or Dianabol can solve these issues.

Also tren-alone usage can easily result in suppressed estradiol levels as natural testosterone production is affected with its use. The estrogen reaches an abnormally low level and hence it should be used with other drugs.

Cycles of Trenbolone with Testosterone

The usual dose of TrenboloneEnanthate is 200mgs per week coupling it with 500mgs of Testosterone every week and 0.25mgs of Dostinex every other day. However people, who have been on regular dosage of Tren, suggest that even 125mg of Testosterone per week is enough for whatever amount of Tren.

50mg of Tren coupled with 100mg of Testosterone per week, gets better results when compared to any other steroid cycle. Tren is a strong compound and results in mass physical changes soon enough.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Boldenone and Winstrol Cycle

What is Boldenone?
This is a very popular steroid which is legally available at the veterinary clinic. It is a highly anabolic steroid and as a result it is administered as a stack with other steroids such as testosterone if you are on a big cycle.

What is Winstrol?
Considered to be one of the most popular anabolic steroids of all time, it is best known for its ability to increase performance for athletes through strength and speed. It is also useful to men and women as well since it is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used by women comfortably.

Using the Boldenone steroid
    - This steroid for starters is basically taken with other steroids such as testosterone builders if you are on a mass cycle or it is taken together with Winstrol if you are on a cutting cycle.
    - It is known for increasing protein synthesis on the muscle cells within the body, a similar effect that you get when taking anavar.
    - The Boldenone gives one a slower but a higher muscle gain, different from the quick muscle building that is expected from testosterone.
    - It is not supposed to be taken on its own and one should be ready to expect 20lbs. within the next 6 weeks or so. The results are visible after 3 weeks or less as it is not just instant as you may expect.

Putting some Boldenone in you
    - The effect that this steroid has is seemingly more permanent than any other effective gains experienced from other kinds of testosterone.
    - The Boldenone steroid stays active in the system for a longer period than most of the testosterones that you’ll find.

Competitive gain from using Boldenone

It is a very common steroid in the contest scene for reasons like:
    - It has a low amount of aromatization
    - It has very little water retention too.
    - It is also known for giving in the pumps you do as you are working out due to an increase in the red blood cells that is an effect of taking it.
    - It also causes a sharp increase in appetite and it also assures one of good muscle gain when it is taken together with a mass gaining steroid.

The female Winstrol cycle
    - Being amongst the few anabolic steroids that can be tolerated by women, you can benefit from it if your dose is kept at a minimal level although there is no 100% guarantee.
    - A lot of women who are from track to bodybuilding, fitness to even figure maintenance have completed Winstrol cycles, where a majority of these women use the oral tablets alone.
    - The tablets are found in 10mg and 50mg as the optimal female dose for beginners is set to 10mg.
    - It is not advisable for any woman that intends to have a Winstrol cycle to go above 10mg.

The male Winstrol cycle
    - A good Winstrol cycle can run for about 6 to 8 weeks on a dose equal to 50mg daily.
    - Some may find the dose to be all they need but as an anabolic steroid with a very short half life, it is best administered as a tablet.
    - No matter your experience with the steroid, 50mg is the best dosage and it is not advisable to go beyond 8 weeks as it is a steroid that is toxic to the liver. The liver though can return to normal after discontinued use only if the intake is administered responsibly.
    - As for competitors, a majority of them find 100mg of this steroid to be very useful two weeks prior to a competition as it really hardens them up.
    - If you want to take the 100mg then you should know that 14 days is the maximum number of days that you can take the steroid as anything past such duration may cause toxicity to the body.

Winstrol cycle side effects
    - It is important to always understand the side effects of Winstrol intake so that one may be safe and effective during the usage.
    - There are the serious side effects of administering Winstrol where cholesterol issues come up when the steroid is being used. The Stanozolol can give very negative effects as it increases the bad cholesterol in your system and decreases the good cholesterol too.
    - It should be avoided by those that already have poor cholesterol readings as d cholesterol diets that are highly recommended during the intake.
    - A guaranteed side effect of using Winstrol is the suppression of natural testosterone production. One is therefore advised to supplement this with some testosterone when Winstrol is in use so that high androgen levels can be maintained.
    - As for the women, using Winstrol can cause virilization with effects such as the destruction of the woman’s femininity.