
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Protein Supplementation

Protein-powder is a very popular supplement, and is available at most local drug and health food stores. Before proteins can be used for muscle hypertrophy in the body, they must be broken down to amino acids in the liver. In the liver, they can be resynthesized into muscle proteins, and transported to the muscles for hypertrophy.
Obviously, if the proper stimulus is given, the more amino acids responsible for muscle growth that are present in the body, the more muscle hypertrophy will occur. Simply put, the more protein in the body, the more muscle hypertrophy will occur.
Studies show that ingestion of protein with carbohydrate increases insulin and/or growth hormone level, thus assisting the process of muscle growth. The intake of protein and carbohydrate before exercise boost the efficiency of the workout and lessens recovery time, allowing the athlete to endure more vigorous training sessions. As much as 1.3 to 1.8 g of protein for every Kg of body mass, or 2.2 g at high altitudes, is recommended for weight trainers per day. It is shown that 20 calories per pound of body mass is required to sustain muscle mass, and 25 to 30 calories per pound to actually build muscle mass. Thirteen to seventeen percent of those calories should come from proteins, with twelve to sixteen percent coming from fats, and the rest obtained from carbohydrates.
Tests show that taking protein supplements along with creatine monohydrate works better than just taking protein supplements alone. The positive effects include leaner tissue mass, and increase in bench press power. Another independent study shows how a combination of protein and creatine helps boost muscle GLUT-4 (glucose transport proteins) matter and increases glucose tolerance in the athlete. Human subjects’ right leg was immobilized for the time period of two weeks, and then resistance exercises were put in place for six weeks. GLUT-4 content was decreased in creatine-taking subjects, creatine and protein-taking subjects, and placebo-taking subjects during the 2 weeks of immobilization. When the resistance exercise program was introduced, the GLUT-4 content in creatine-taking subjects were up by 24%, creatine and protein-taking subjects’ GLUT-4 content were increased by 33%, while placebo-taking subjects’ GLUT- content remained constant. Muscle glycogen content in both creaine-taking and creatine and protein-taking subjects, but not placebo-taking subjects.

Friday, August 3, 2012

How to Avoid the Suppression of Testosterone Production by Using Steroids?

How can we intervene in such a complex biological process as testosterone production? How not to harm and to keep the natural level of testosterone?

Classic steroid cycles that operate around the clock (for example, with the use of injectable testosterone esters), necessarily lead to the suppression of the production of LH, and hence the most testosterone. Are there ways to avoid this? There, with as many as three:

1) Not to use highly androgenic steroids around the clock. This can be done, for example, using oral steroids, which have half-lives of only a few hours. In this half of the dose is taken in the morning, and half - around noon. Even 100 mg per day of methandrostenolone can be used in this manner with a slight suppression of testosterone production. The problem with this method is that the efficiency effects of oral steroids is not comparable with the effect of taking injectable drugs.

2) To use moderate doses of so-called "soft" steroids, which slightly upset the production of testosterone. For example, Primobolan in a dosage of 200-400 mg per week is perfect for this purpose. However, the results of such a cycle would be comparable with the effect of taking drugs like Sustanon, Omnadren, testosterone cypionate, etc. However, these steroids significantly inhibit the production of testosterone, even at a dose of 100 mg per week. By the way, so the use of these drugs in low dosage does not make sense.

3) In principle it could be used anti androgens, but it's just completely stop the growth results in a mass and strength.

And the longer the cycle is, the more difficult in the future to restore the normal situation in the body. Therefore, by the way, there is little difference between the use of steroids for 3 or 8 weeks - recovery will take the same time. Between cycles lasting 8 and 12 weeks the difference is more noticeable, even though the 12-week cycle typically does not create too many problems, and restoration of testosterone production would take several weeks. But the cycles are more than 12 weeks can create substantial problems with recovery. It is not known what changes occur in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland in the course too long, but in practice it appears that the longer the cycle after 8 weeks, the longer and more difficult to subsequent recovery. There are suspicions that there are some violations in the mechanisms of secretion of LHRH hypothalamus.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

HGH Human Growth Hormone Effects in Bodybuilding

For young athletes under 27 years, human growth hormone (HGH) acts as a powerful anabolic, positively influencing on increase in body size. This applies to length and thickness of the bones, as well as the amount of muscle. In later years the effect of growth hormone is less noticeable, but its ability to some extent, increase muscle mass, as well as significantly reduce body fat, used in bodybuilding.

Effect of growth hormone

    enhances protein synthesis, provides a steady but slow increase in muscle
    strengthens the bone and connective tissue
    improves metabolism
    increased use of fat for energy needs
    increases in liver glycogen
    at speeds up healing of injuries and rehabilitation

The level and stimulators of growth hormone
Receiving a command from the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland produces growth hormone, which is getting into the blood reaches the liver and converted it into the main working material - somatomedin. Number of growth hormone production increases from birth and reaches a peak of about 21 years, with the same slow down in life. During the night may take place before the 10ti releases the hormone into the bloodstream.
For effective training in bodybuilding, prevent injuries and fatigue, normal growth hormone levels is vital. Even better - if we can improve it.

- Good night's sleep
- The state of stressful
    exercise stress
    a sharp temperature drop
    Hunger - sleep on an empty stomach is useful in many ways

- The use of protein food. The greatest influence on the production of growth hormone has an intake of protein such as arginine (pork, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts).

Obstacles for the development and effectiveness of HGH can be:

- Exhaustion of the nervous system
- Violations of the liver
- High levels of cortisol
- Receipt of carbohydrate foods

Friday, June 15, 2012

Mythical Danger of Steroids

  Despite the variety of side effects of anabolic steroids, it should be noted that at present the information on them is greatly exaggerated. In the press and on television is often heard that use of anabolic steroids inevitably leads to infertility, impotence, liver damage, and so forth, when in fact, even excessive doses of steroids do not always lead to irreversible consequences. In addition, we must distinguish between the concept of "use" and "abuse". For example, taking anabolic steroids, according to the instructions in the 95% does not cause any complications or adverse reactions, even 4% of the side effects are completely reversible, it is clear that in reality the risk of complications is very low. Abuse involves steroids in high doses or excessive duration of the course. In this situation the risk of side effects increases significantly, while increasing the frequency of irreversible complications. Typically, steroids are presented in the media against the "abuse", so they create a false impression of the picture.

How to prevent adverse effects:

  •      Do not exceed recommended dose (abuse)
  •      Do not combine multiple anabolic steroids, if it does not provide a course  
  •      Do not exceed the duration of the course
  •      Women do not take anabolic steroids, or to make a choice of drugs with a high anabolic index. 
  •      Do not use anabolic steroids under the age of 20 years
  •      Be sure to include in the course of PCT, this will substantially reduce or prevent many side effects.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Breaking Stereotypes About Anabolic Steroids

Most of us perceive anabolic steroids only as a means to build muscle and improve athletic performance. Indeed, according to various sources, about 80-90% of professional athletes, bodybuilders, weightlifting and power lifting, take anabolic steroids. These drugs have become a mandatory attribute of the youth sports movement in the world.

From 30 to 60% of boys practicing in athletic clubs regularly use anabolic steroids. There is a struggle with every possible means with their irregular distribution. In some countries, young people are bullied with "terrible" consequences of taking anabolic steroids, in others - their distribution and use is punishable by law. Great attention is paid to this topic in the media, especially during competitions and championships. We forget only one ... The fact that anabolic steroids are drugs that showed high efficacy and safety in treating of a wide range of diseases.

When anabolics are indicated?
The term "anabolic steroids" and "anabolics" comes from the word "anabolic" which means synthesis, the formation and renewal of the structural parts of the cells and tissues. Thus, anabolic - it's a whole group of different structure and origin of chemical substances that can enhance the anabolic processes in the body, especially protein synthesis.

In varying degrees, different substances have anabolic effects: hormones (androgens, pituitary hormones, growth hormone, insulin, gonadotropin), synthetic hormone-active drugs (anabolic steroids, anti-estrogens), vitamins, coenzymes, vitamin-like substances, herbal adaptogens, nootropics, and antihypoxants amino acids. However, the most active of which are anabolic steroids.

Why did we choose anabolic steroids?
In addition to the basic mechanism of action - stimulation of protein synthesis, anabolic steroids carry a whole range of other functions in the human body. They contribute to the fixation of calcium in the bones, increasing bone mass in osteoporosis. Keep in mind that taking anabolic steroids leads to a sharp increase in the assimilation of protein by the body. If the normal adult needs 70 to 100 grams of protein per day, against the backdrop of these drugs need for protein may increase up to 300 g / day. In this regard, during therapy with anabolic steroids proportion of protein in the diet should be increased, and the fats and carbohydrates - to decrease. It is well known that in the context of low protein supply anabolic steroids are not active.

It is also important to note that the excess of therapeutic doses of anabolic steroids, gives only a slight increase anabolic effect, while the risk of side effects increases dramatically. In severe overdose can occur even with increased catabolic effect of the decay rate of muscle proteins and the development of nitrogen deficiency. This is probably due to the fact that an excess of anabolic steroids can improve thyroid function and, therefore, cause a power shortage. In addition, these substances at higher serum concentrations can be transformed in the liver to estrogens, which inhibit the anabolic response in men.

Currently, the claim that anabolic steroids negatively affect male function, may be considered devoid of good reason. On the other hand, anabolic steroids in therapeutic doses cause increased sex drive and to improve the morphological state of the gonads. To avoid negative side effects and also to save a lot of money buy anabolic steroids from proven and reliable online steroid shop. One of such online shops is To buy steroids at the best prices just browse

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Anabolic Steroids Efficacy and Effects on the Body.

Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of testosterone. Most steroids are made from the root of the Mexican sarsaparilly, a plant that is used to produce tonic supplements. The components of an anabolic steroid are chemically extracted from this root.

Originally testosterone is a male hormone. This is an androgen, which stimulates the growth of tissue on which it acts. One of these is the muscle tissue. Testosterone has both anabolic and androgenic effect. Being isolated, the anabolic effect directly contributes to the growth of muscle tissue. Androgenic effects depend on the secondary men characteristics: hair on the face, low voice, aggressive behavior. The term "anabolic" in contrast to the term "androgen" emphasizes that the steroid by changing the molecular structure of testosterone enhanced function of the impact on the growth of tissues and inhibited gain function of secondary male characteristics. In short anabolic steroids are artificially created male hormone. This is the hormone that makes a boy a man and causing the muscles to grow.

The effectiveness of steroids
Some steroids are much more effective than others. The effectiveness also depends on the individual user. All this can be logically explain.

Not all steroids have the same structure and, therefore, have varying degrees of therapeutic intervention. In general, drugs with the highest anabolic effect, contribute to the growth of tissues at the most. Some steroids, while in the blood have an increased ability to communicate with the appropriate receptors. The fact that they may be longer in the free form and, therefore, have a great chance to meet the target receptor areas. Much depends on the personal characteristics of an organism a specific user. Some athletes have an extremely large number of receptor sites in muscle. This provides a connection of receptors with a much larger number of free molecules, which in turn dramatically increases the anabolic effect. Among the athletes, there are individuals with a small number of receptors in muscle cells, and therefore only the most potent steroids are effective for them. Very often these people are taking high doses of a mixture of various steroids with no visible effect.

On the basis of all above written it can be concluded that the impact and effectiveness of steroids on the body varies depending on the personal qualities and structure of the body of each individual. It is also crucial amount of drugs and their compatibility with each other. And of course do not forget about the quality of anabolic steroids that you use.

Internet offers convenient and discreet way to buy anabolic steroids. You're sure to find a lot of websites that proposes you to buy anabolic steroids online from different manufacturers and with a great variation of prices. Because there are certain anabolic steroids that are not readily available in a given country, shopping online allows consumers to be more acquainted with a wider array of options available in the market. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What You Should Know Before You Buy Steroids

As is known anabolic steroids are synthetic analogue of the human hormone testosterone. Steroids can be classified as either anabolic steroids or corticosteroids. Anabolic steroids are hormones which help boost muscle tissue of the body and are commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders to help improve their athletic capabilities. Corticosteroids are usually used in conditions such as asthma. Nowadays it is legal to buy steroids by prescription only, however some people buy steroids online without a prescription.

A huge number of people all over the world buy steroids every day because of medical conditions. But it is also very popular product among athletes and bodybuilders. However, the steroids have side effects which may cause health problems to any user. Anabolic steroids which are used incorrectly or abused may cause side effects such as increased levels of cholesterol, blood pressure and liver problems. When you buy steroids you must be careful especially if you buy steroids online. Because it is very hard to find a good and trust able online store or pharmacy to buy steroids.It is very important to be extra careful and not buy steroids online from fraudsters who will get access of your personal information.

A steroid user and especially bodybuilders, who need a big quantity of steroids often buy steroids on the black market or from the dealers. The black market is a very dangerous place to buy steroids because these steroids are usually not clinically tested and thus are not legit. Users often buy steroids from these sources because they are usually cheaper than to buy steroids from pharmaceuticals and more accessible. In countries like US it is illegal and a serious offense to buy steroids from the black market. That is why to buy steroids online is more safely and reliable.

For clinical conditions such low testosterone or low body mass one should buy steroids prescribed by their doctors. These steroids are called legit steroids because they are prescribed by the doctor with the wright doses and amount. The wright way to buy steroids is a local pharmacy, but it is not so cheap. A user can also buy steroids online with his medical prescription but only after good research and they should not disclose any personal information in the process.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Anavar Oxandrolone for a Strong Increase in Strength

Anavar 20 (Oxandrolone) is an oral steroid which contains 20 mg of the hormone Oxandrolone. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a mild drug, when taken in doses less than 40 mg per day did not give any side effects, because drug originally designed for women and children. This is one of the few steroids which does not cause premature delay physical development in adolescents, because it does not contribute to the closure of epofiznyh compounds, and the drug is used primarily at teenagers to promote growth of the body and women - in osteoporosis. The drug causes a very weak phenomenon of masculinization. This quality makes it a favorite tool for athletes, because at a dose of 10-15 mg per day they have rarely seen the outward manifestations of masculinity.

Anavar 20 (Oxandrolone) promotes a strong increase in strength. This is due to the fact that excited the synthesis of creatine phosphate in muscle cells and thus does not accumulate fluid. Anavar (Oxandrolone) gives them the opportunity to become stronger, not adding to their own weight. Although Oxandrolone itself and does not contribute to significant growth of muscles, but markedly enhances the effect of many steroids in the body, especially combined with Deca-Durabolin, methane and various versions of testosterone, as arises when taking Oxandrolone strength gains while taking Deca-Durabolin, methane or testosterone that accumulate fluid and contribute to a strong increase in muscle, the result is more muscle mass.

Oxandrolone does not aromatize nor at any dose. With Oxandrolone muscle never gets watery form, which makes to consider the drug a good way to prepare for competition. In combination with diet Oxandrolone helps to make the muscles firm and toned. Though he does not destroy the fat, it still plays an indirect role in this process, because the chemical suppresses appetite in many athletes. Oxandrolone may cause something like a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, causing some athletes nausea and vomiting if tablets taken with meals. Those who train for competition or increase interest in quality muscles should combine Oxandrolone with steroids as Winstrol, Parabolan, Primobolan and testosterone propionate.

Even in very high doses (more than 40 mg daily) Oxandrolone has no effect on the production of testosterone. Oxandrolone does not suppress the production of hormones in the body, as he does not have a negative effect on the arc of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes, ie when receiving the testes do not signal the hypothalamus of the need to reduce emissions and the complete cessation of hormone releasing hormone and luteinizing hormone, as is the case with most taking anabolic steroids. This special position of Oxandrolone can be easily explained by the fact that its substance does not aromatize into estrogen. With regard to dosage of Oxandrolone, it is 20-30 mg per day for men and 15-20 mg for women, bring good results. In the first two or three weeks the daily dose of 0.25mg per kg of the drug proved itself in practice, the tablets are usually taken 3 times a day (since the half-life of 8 hours) after meals, and thus achieved optimal resorption (optimal intake) drug. Those who do encounter while taking the drug gastro-intestinal upset, do the right, taking a pill an hour - two after eating.

Oxandrolone is no toxic and has virtually no side effects, it shall take a long period of time, or during the period between cycles will help maintain the results achieved. But do not use it for several months without a break since it like almost all oral steroids, alkylated by 17-alpha and has a strain on the liver.
Women should not take the medication in a dose more than 6 tablets per day, as otherwise may arise due to side effects of androgen in the form of acne, breaking votes, decreased deep voice, clitoral blood pressure and enhanced precipitation bands.

To buy quality bodybuilding medications at low prices visit online steroid pharmacy To buy Anavar 20 (Oxandrolone) by Biomex Labs visit