
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Post cycle therapy with Nolvadex

Post cycle therapy is a method of employing drugs which work via various mechanisms to go about trying to aid stabilising and restoring a users hormones back to normal once a suppressive anabolic androgenic steroid cycle has been ceased.
Once a user has ceased use of anabolic androgenic steroids they are left in a situation where their natural testosterone production has been suppressed , sometimes severely by androgens and aromatising drugs. Add this onto the fact the levels of steroids are forever diminishing in their system, this can leave the user in a very catabolic state post cycle, which may reflect in their ability to maintain muscle mass gained whilst on cycle. It is therefore easy to conclude that we would like to find a way to restore ones natural testosterone production to bring about a better environment for overall health and to maintain muscle tissue.
Clomiphene citrate, also known as clomid, and tamoxifen, also known as the brand name nolvadex, can be employed post cycle to aid restoring the users natural testosterone production. With both abilities to block oestrogen at the hypothalamus and pituitary, thus ceasing negative feedback inhibition, we have drugs that can successfully increase FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) in the male body. Increased LH can help to stimulate the Leydig’s cells in the testes to produce more testosterone.
Many find just using nolvadex on its own post cycle is efficient enough to recover from their anabolic androgenic steroid cycles. Some however prefer to use both drugs to cover all angles. It is worth noting nolvadex is more profound in stimulating the increase of LH over time, on a milligram to milligram standpoint compared to that of clomid. Also many users complain of side effects from clomid such as visual implications and mood swings.
When analysing the methods in which both drugs work to bring about raises in natural testosterone production it is easy to conclude some old-school approaches are flawed. Many users would use a burst of clomid mid cycle in the hope of it causing an increase in testosterone production to minimise shut down. The only use of clomid during use of a heavy androgenic cycle is as an anti-oestrogen, as the heighten levels of androgen will cause a feedback to the testes to cease production of testosterone. Therefore, if androgen levels are high clomid will do very little in aiding production of natural testosterone. It will a lot more effective starting a PCT protocol when the androgen levels of the steroids drop, and this will be dependant on the half life of the compounds the user used during their cycle.
Due to the half life of clomid and nolvadex there is little need in splitting the dosages of the drug, just take when its most continent.
Dosages of nolvadex for PCT protocol
Day 1 100mg
Following     10 days  60mg
10 days
The above outline is a sample protocol which could be employed. Obviously the cycle and other parameters may alter the dosages and duration of your post cycle protocol.

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