
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Anadrol 50 - Increase Your Bulking Abilities

It’s time for a serious bulk cycle. You just competed in the bodybuilding open division for the first time, and let’s be honest- you just had your rear end handed to you by guys carrying a lot more muscle. It’s time to buckle down and spend a solid 9 months adding muscle to your frame. You’ve had your post-show food binge. You already retired then un-retired. You’ve spent the last 2 weeks moping with your face in a pizza box mulling over your next step. You gave your body a rest and now it’s time to come back, both barrels firing. Let’s add some mass!

This time, you’re going to do it right. You’re going to run a cycle using the very toxic, and very powerful Anadrol 50. It’s well known in steroid circles that the most effective steroids also deliver the most side effects, and you’re prepared for that. Let’s learn more about Anadrol and see if you’re ready for it.

Anadrol is one of the most powerful steroids. It will certainly help you gain lean muscle mass, that goes without saying. Your appetite will skyrocket, allowing you to eat more food. Your protein synthesis will increase, meaning you will be able to use more of the protein in your diet for muscle-building purposes. Your red blood cell count will increase, making you stronger and allowing you to possess more stamina. You’ll retain some water – which can be a good thing or a bad thing. In a way, this is good because it means you will be cushioning your joints, much larger and stronger, and able to move more weight, which will lead to a gain in muscle mass. At the same time, this water retention can also cause you to look and feel bloated. There are also the side effects of acne and potential liver damage. You don’t want to use Anadrol for your entire off-season. Rather, two small cycles of 8 weeks separated by a 12 week gap is preferable.

Anadrol has been out for almost 50 years, and remains popular despite all of the innovations in steroids that have arrived during this time. It is an oral drug, and is only active in the body for about 16 hours. It can be detected in steroid tests up to 2 months after use, a fact that should be considered when planning your pre-contest stack or participating in any tested powerlifting event.

Anadrol should be stacked with injectables in order to make the most possible gains in a short amount of time. Adding it to a cycle of testosterone and Nandrolone will leave you feeling superhuman, and will add some serious mass to your frame. It works in just about any bulking stack, so long as you give yourself enough food, training and rest to make the most of it. Anadrol is a fairly safe drug, despite the toxicity warnings, as long as it is used in moderation and breaks are taken. Give it a shot this off-season if you are very serious about gaining some new muscle mass.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Recommended Recovery Time Between Anabolic Steroid Cycles

The first factor is that recovery of the HPTA (hypothalamus, pituitary, and testicular axis) from one cycle should always occur fully before starting the next.

Where an anabolic steroid cycle is very short, such as only 2 weeks, steroid cycle recovery can be almost immediate. Well-planned, moderate length steroid cycles, such as only 8 weeks, often allow recovery in a time frame such as only 2 weeks.

Long steroid cycles, such as 12 weeks or longer and especially 14 weeks or longer, or poorly planned cycles often have very protracted recoveries.

So first, regardless of what is written below with regard to timing, you should wait until natural testosterone production, without aid of any drug, is back to midnormal levels or better.

Other than this, the time between steroid cycles should be related to duration of anabolic steroid use, including time of clearance after the last injection. Another way of looking at that is the balance between the number of weeks that anabolic steroids are used versus the number of weeks that no steroid is being used.

There really are no black/white cutoff values that anyone can give. Time off versus time on is a gradually sliding scale.

Broadly speaking:

    Being “off” twice as many weeks as being “on” is entirely conservative for most who are seeking to build muscle, and absolutely can give great results. Really the only reason to be more conservative than this is if wishing only to maintain.
    Being “off” about as many weeks as being “on” is moderately aggressive. When the cycles are well-planned, there’s generally no problem with this and, of course, this can give somewhat faster results than the above.
    And being “off” only half as many weeks as being “on” is about as aggressive as I recommend for the health conscious person. Proper recovery should of course be verified, and blood tests become more important at this frequency of use.

So there’s no one answer, but the above general description has over time proven helpful for many to decide where they wanted to be.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Anabolic Steroids and Estrogen Control for Maximizing Fat Loss

Prior to proper estrogen control with antiaromatases such as letrozole or Arimidex, care ordinarily would be taken in cutting cycles to limit the amount of aromatizing steroids used. Particularly, testosterone and Dianabol would be limited, if used at all. So this resulted in their having a reputation of “not being cutting steroids.”

There were two factors involved here. First, estrogenic bloating could to the eye be confused with fatness. And second, abnormally high estrogen levels can make fat loss more difficult.

Where estradiol level is controlled with an antiaromatase or with a suitably balanced combination of steroids, then these are not issues, and testosterone becomes about as good for cutting as anything else. Dianabol also can aid fat loss quite well.

Under suitably balanced is considered a combination of aromatizing and non-aromatizing steroids where the total amount is sufficient for the desired anabolic effect, and the amount of aromatizing steroids is suitable to yield only normal estradiol levels. This typically would be between 100-300 mg/week, but good results can often be had with more than this, depending on the individual. Where for example a person already knows from experience that he suffers little or no noticeable adverse estrogenic effect from say 500 mg/week of testosterone, then that amount certainly can be included in a cutting cycle without need of an antiaromatase. But another person might even get gyno on 250 mg/week testosterone.

It’s certainly possible that some fat-loss differences remain between anabolic steroids, but even so this may only be dose related. For example, 50 mg/day trenbolone acetate is certainly better for cutting than 50 mg/day testosterone, but is it better than 150 mg/day testosterone? Probably not.

Basically, it’s not necessary to seek out particular anabolic steroids for fat loss. Make the choice based on achieving desired positive effects with minimization of the side effects of personal concern, which can vary according to the situation.