There are many myths in bodybuilding. Let's dispel some of them.
Strength training deprive a person of flexibility
In fact, not only do you lose flexibility, but also develop it. Be sure to do warm-up approach with a full range of motion for maximum stretching of the muscles. When you start working with heavier weights, the amplitude is slightly reduced, which makes the muscles tighten, and it does lead to some loss of flexibility. To avoid this, do exercise at the end of the range of stretching exercises with a full range of motion.
Each requires a separate study of muscle
Indeed, the isolated work one muscle group is very effective, but in practice it is impossible. The fact is that during the exercise, apart from the target muscle, the work also includes muscle-stabilizers. At the same time it has been decreasing - isometrically and dynamically. On the eccentric phase of movement to the aid of muscle-antagonists - to stabilize the joints. And on the concentric phase of work included synergist muscles, which neutralize the unwanted part of auxiliary muscles.
To warm up, use a static stretching
Of course, static stretching develops flexibility, but it did not prepare your muscles to work with weights. You need active stretching to develop the joints, stretch muscles and warm the body. Take a deep squats and lunges, torso and curls, and then pull the iron.
To build mass you need to do 6-8 reps
Indeed, the work of 6-8 reps to failure is effective at building muscle mass. But at some stage have the same effect may be other principles of training. For example, a novice to great effect should be performed 15-20 repetitions per set. Any change in the exercise program will help you avoid injuries, overtraining and stagnation.
Always keep your back absolutely straight
In fact, you should retain a natural bend the spine. In this position he is able to withstand much greater loads. But the bend should be just natural - not hunch your back.
When performing exercises looking at the ceiling
And what then need a mirror in the gym? When you exercise you need to look straight ahead, keeping track of equipment.
Strength training deprive a person of flexibility
In fact, not only do you lose flexibility, but also develop it. Be sure to do warm-up approach with a full range of motion for maximum stretching of the muscles. When you start working with heavier weights, the amplitude is slightly reduced, which makes the muscles tighten, and it does lead to some loss of flexibility. To avoid this, do exercise at the end of the range of stretching exercises with a full range of motion.
Each requires a separate study of muscle
Indeed, the isolated work one muscle group is very effective, but in practice it is impossible. The fact is that during the exercise, apart from the target muscle, the work also includes muscle-stabilizers. At the same time it has been decreasing - isometrically and dynamically. On the eccentric phase of movement to the aid of muscle-antagonists - to stabilize the joints. And on the concentric phase of work included synergist muscles, which neutralize the unwanted part of auxiliary muscles.
To warm up, use a static stretching
Of course, static stretching develops flexibility, but it did not prepare your muscles to work with weights. You need active stretching to develop the joints, stretch muscles and warm the body. Take a deep squats and lunges, torso and curls, and then pull the iron.
To build mass you need to do 6-8 reps
Indeed, the work of 6-8 reps to failure is effective at building muscle mass. But at some stage have the same effect may be other principles of training. For example, a novice to great effect should be performed 15-20 repetitions per set. Any change in the exercise program will help you avoid injuries, overtraining and stagnation.
Always keep your back absolutely straight
In fact, you should retain a natural bend the spine. In this position he is able to withstand much greater loads. But the bend should be just natural - not hunch your back.
When performing exercises looking at the ceiling
And what then need a mirror in the gym? When you exercise you need to look straight ahead, keeping track of equipment.